Where do you get the most studying done? Vol. Finals Week

Apr 15, 2007
So I'm in the computer lab/library at school.

Clearly I'm not getting anything done. It's even worse at home.

DONT go to the computer lab.. print off things you need to read and go to a quiet study room or individual study "cubbies" (not sure what the realword is haha). That's what I do, I also gotta have my iPod going. Quiet music with no lyrics does the trick for me (classical, instrumentals, movie soundtracks, etc)

glad I'm all done..now I can't find a job
Dont bring your computer just your books. You'll get distracted very easily if theres a computer in front of you, or maybe thats just me
Borders FTW. Either that or the cubicles in the school library. Stay away from computers or you'll end up on NikeTalk.
Library didn't work for me at all. It's conveniently located near the sorority houses and most of the girls make a rare appearance at the libraryduring finals. Hard to concentrate when a horde of them come in.
There's this room in the Math lab that I used to go to but itll be quiet for all of two seconds then all the math turors start talking Their asian dialectand it sounds like a bunch of Tapping noises and pisses me off so I go to a room where I can close the doors and be alone and its like a fortress of solitude!!
When I have to read, I like to get some coffee and read at a coffee house or a bookstore. When I have to do math/numerical problems, I have to isolate myselffrom the rest of society and I will sit in the most quite and distance corner of my school's library.

When it comes to general test prepping, I prefer and in some cases really need a group and we meet up in group study rooms in the school library. Groups can bevery helpful because a group mate can explain things that you may not fully understand and for things which you understand, explaining/teaching them to groupmates, should solidify your understanding. A group can also force you to stay on task and make sure that you have covered every chapter or item on a studyguide that you need to cover. Just choose your group mates wisely because a bunch of slackers will drag you down and make the whole session a waste of time.
well sometimes I do it at home with everything shut off tv and computer, but most oft studying is done at a quiet corner in the library.
the school library

I can't get any studying done in the comp lab. I always end up browsing the web or falling asleep cause it's so damn hot in there.
i can only study in a closed room, i can't do that open library stuff.

but once i get in a private, quiet, secluded room... i'm a monster. i'll take one day off, stay in the library from 10 AM to 9 PM, and only get up onceto use the bathroom and get a snack. studying like that is really good, it really helps me soak in everything. you won't forget anything you read
go to the library and don't bring ur computer and don't sit with any friends. just sit by yourself at a table, and because others there are probablystudying as well, the environment should make it easy to study and force u to focus.
my room is my sanctuary. I close the door and have at it. Everyone has their own system though as long as you find what works for you.
for me the library works the best. but you need to study alone to avoid distractions, and leave all ipods/cell phones in your book bag. and Don't bring thelaptop.
I was at the medical school library for ten days straight. I can't stand the other libraries because people never keep their mouths shut. You will neverfind a more quiet place than a med school library.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I was at the medical school library for ten days straight. I can't stand the other libraries because people never keep their mouths shut. You will never find a more quiet place than a med school library.

law school library too. All they do is read
The best place would be in the library not near a computer. Like it's been said before, that's a big distraction.
Ironically, I can't study in the library. I just park myself on my couch in front of the TV, turn it onto the sports channel, mute it so I can onlymomentarily glance at the scores, and study with my laptop. I actually get a lot done surprisingly
Library is cool but I also study in my room. I just need some light and a comfortable spot. If I'm in my room, I need to turn off the TV. In the library Ineed to sit in isolation because anyone that passes by me distracts me.
In my bedroom at and i start at like 2 am when everything is dead and i can concentrate w/ vitamin water energy and fresh prince/george lopez re-runs at areally low volume
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