When you realize your favorite RB doesn't have "it" anymore UNAPPRECIATION....

Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

speaking of rb's
ryan grant... get outta here...
do you know anything about football
grant is exactly like cc sibathia. he starts off really slow but his last 8 weeks will be amazing
I remember watching Marshall Faulk just drop off a cliff. It was real sad too, because he still gave everything he had, but you could just tell that itwasn't enough.

Barry Sanders sure did have it right. I remember being so disappointed when he retired but it certainly seems like the thing to do given RBs this day and age.
its expected... like after LT won his MVP, that was basically the peak of his career.. i remember thinking to myself that its gonna be a slow decline fromthat point... i wish i wasn't right
But hey, he did better than pastCharger RB's Natrone Means or Marion Butts! Because when LT was a rookie I also thought to myself.. watch he ends up like Means or Butts.. 1 or 2 goodyears, then ghost... glad i was wrong about that one!
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Again, Clinton Portis is a very good running back,

So, why didn't you just state this from the jump instead of calling him an "average" or "slightly above average" RB? Again...this is you (from your previous comments) starting an argument when there shouldn't be one...

Slightly above average doesn't equate to being a very good running back to you?? There's a big difference between being great and being good. Clinton Portis on any given day falls into the "good" category. I will say this again, at best Clinton Portis is slightly above average/good.

You have PREMIER RB's in the NFL who haven't even sniffed 1,200 yards in a season, or even averaged that in their careers
Start naming names DoubleJ's name...............

This thread isn't about when the best RB's in the NFL fall off...it's about when YOUR (as in MY) favorite RB has lost a step and you can see his career winding down. Other people added RB's that they've noticed over the years like LT, Shaun Alexander, Larry Johnson, etc etc....

Just look at the running backs you listed champ. All of those running backs had "IT" as anyone could have made a clear cut argument that anyone of those running backs were the BEST in the league during a particular season. There is no one that could say that Clinton Portis was the best running back any year that he's been in the league those far. Again, that's my definition of having "IT". Like I said earlier.......................Again, maybe my definition and yours of having "IT" is completely different,

However, when your blind hatred for anything related to the Skins interferes with any sort of objectivity, it's kinda hard to take you or your viewpoints seriously.

I had the Skins finishing at least second or higher in the division before the season begain this year, you call that blind hatred??

Do you think that just because you picked the Skins to finish 2nd or higher for this season erases all the dumb @*$% you've said over the past couple ofyears?

Average RB = Darren McFadden

Slightly above average RB = Ryan Grant/Chester Taylor

there is a HUGE difference between them and Clinton Portis "champ"

and as far as PREMIER RB's who haven't sniffed either 1,200 yards in a season or averaged 1,200 yards per season in their careers....off the top of thehead...take a look at Brandon Jacobs, Steven Jackson, and your beloved Frank Gore....I guess since they haven't done that, they are both "slightlyabove average" RB's, right?
There is WAAAAY more that goesinto being a "good/great" RB other than rushing yards....TD's, pass catching, blocking, etc etc....
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

LT and Westbrook ruining my fantasy teams in Back to back years.
tell me about it

I think Westbrook is definitely declining, McCoy can take his job right now. Westbrook is an injury machine, he can't stay healthy if his life depended onit.
I agree that Barber could see a big dropoff either by the end of the season or next season. Also, as a Seattle fan I knew Alexander would drop off since he ranto the left behind Walter Jones and Hutch near everytime when they went to the Superbowl.
I think LT still has "it"..

..but he can't showcase "it" because of his being hurt so much.

Maybe it's my bias in favor of the man, but during the preseason and the opener against the Raiders he had his burst and he was able to cut well. And thiswas all IN SPITE of an offensive line that just doesn't have the tenacity you'd like to see in their run blocking. He was still busting out with 5-10+yard gains against the Raiders into the 4th quarter [as in AFTER the fumble/play that he was injured on].

The Chargers need LT, though. Whether he still has "it" or not, they need LT. Darren Sproles just isn't cutting it in regards to their [severelack of a] running attack as he's more of a 3rd down receiving back in on every down..
I mean i think Grant can be good for the Packers but im still waiting and looking for the replacement
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Ladanian Tomlinson owns this thread
Tell me about it. One of my all time favorite players. I thought he had at least 2 more good seasons in him, but it is looking like I am wrong.
when you have the o-line the chargers have, nobody could run behind them. LT isnt done, but wont be the same LT if we dont improve our line quickly
Ryan Grant has been terrible this year. It's only going to get worse for him against the Vikes.
My man Edge......and Barry did have it right, dude said "F this, yall aint about to see my bad years, PEACE"
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