When Was Your Last Fight??...And What Was The Outcome?


Apr 16, 2010
Last time i fought was about 2 years ago. One of my "friends" had been owing me $100 from a tunk came for the longest. He kept ducking and delaying on paying me my money, meanwhile he's losing racks on top of racks at the casino, getting his car painted, hitting titty bars, etc...just spending crazy money in a nutshell. So after about 3 months of non-payment, I put the word out that next time homeboy was around, that whoever he was around had to call and tell me.

So one day, my boy call me and tell me that he at his house right now. I hop in my car immediately, go to his house, and see all my _ s (about 6 people) are there. I get out asking for my money, and he said he didn't have it, turned his back, and continued the conversation..So he continues laughing, having a good time while everybody looking at me like I just got #*%%+*% out....So I grab this glass bottle I had been drinking out of and crack that _ in the back of the head. I knock him on the ground, get on top of him and start +%!@%$+ his face up...Everybody pull me off, telling me I gotta square up with him. We square up, he swings and misses horribly, I give him a dawg #+% uppercut, he fall again, and I get on top of him again, hitting him in the face...I got tired of beating his #+%, dapped up all my _s and left....

He called me like 2 days later and gave me $40....that's the last time I saw him, I just said %$@+ it.

Any stories? I'm bored....
In 8th grade, science class...dude called me stupid so I took his pencil, then he gets another pencil and stabs me with it. I was like "hell naw", got up and socked him right in the nose. Homie started bleeding, I got I.S.S. for a week.
Yeah, that was a pretty cheap shot on your move OP.
you hit him with a glass bottle, with his back turned. tough guy.

last time i got in a fight was in my muay thai class. dude kicked my ++*.
5th Grade, i got pushed off the monkey bars from this one kid.. seconds later he gets on i push him off, next thing you know he's on top of me whooping my $#%.
We didn't get caught up or anything, it was in tan-bark
Later on we became good $%# friends and still are to this day.
Originally Posted by lawinnn

That was a punk move on your part.

you hit him with a glass bottle, with his back turned. tough guy. 

   Yeah, that was a pretty cheap shot on your move OP.
True...but I felt disrespected so I didn't feel the need to show him the respect of giving him a fair fight....I let him get up and square up tho
5 dude's jumped me for my 11's in the middle of downtown seattle in front of a ton of people. got sucker punched, and then they all jumped on me.

them fool's have no cajones.
last fight I had was back in 10th grade, my mans had beef and they were gonna jump him but i said i wasnt havin that ....We got jumped but I knocked out someone for the first time && homie copped me bud 4 for holdin him down
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

last fight I had was back in 10th grade, my mans had beef and they were gonna jump him but i said i wasnt havin that ....We got jumped but I caught my first sleeper && he lit me up 4 for hold him down
That last part is confusing the hell out of me. Some one held you and lit you up and put you to sleep? And OP that dude didn't deserve no fair fight this aint a debate you tryna send a message. 
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

last fight I had was back in 10th grade, my mans had beef and they were gonna jump him but i said i wasnt havin that ....We got jumped but I caught my first sleeper && he lit me up 4 for hold him down
That last part is confusing the hell out of me. Some one held you and lit you up and put you to sleep? And OP that dude didn't deserve no fair fight this aint a debate you tryna send a message. 

no, for the first time ever I knocked someone out. im going to edit it
Been such a long time, but I did have a crack head almost fight me today for not giving him a ride down the street... no, fool walk.
Only been in 1 fight my entire life. Freshman year my friends neighbor thought he was hella funny by sending pizzas to my house. I owned him $ but didn't want to pay him back. Dudes name was Michael Miller some red head irish kid. The kid sent like 10 pizzas to my house and my parents were pissed. The next day after school I go to his house with one of my buddies from high school. We go by his house and ring his doorbell. Son comes outside and my friend and his brother come out too. For the people who live in SF sunset district ( the fight goes down at Robert Louis Stevenson middle school). I confront dude and was like why you sending effing pizzas to my house? Dude was like you owe me $. I was like I ain't giving you %%@. Dude grabs a bunch of rocks and puts em in his pocket. I was like "the hell are you doing?" I walk up to him and am like man eff you and start throwing em like Pacquiao.

Son was a straight up #%$$% and was covering his head like Joshua Clottey. I was trying to KO this kid haha. Dude was covering so I couldn't get clean shots at his face so I start punching the back of his head. (Steve Mazzagatti) PICK EM WISELY (Steve Mazzagatti). Son didn't fight back at all and I was just murking dude. This was at at middle school so a bunch of little kids were watching. My friends older bro broke it up. Son's face was tore up. Dude learned his lesson LOL.
Senior year of HS. I accidentally walked into this dudes girlfriend and he gets in my face about it. He swings and connects with my chest so i punched him in his mouth. It was stupid not only because i was suspended for 10 days, im sure me punching him in his mouth hurt me more than it hurt him:smh:
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

last fight I had was back in 10th grade, my mans had beef and they were gonna jump him but i said i wasnt havin that ....We got jumped but I caught my first sleeper && he lit me up 4 for hold him down
That last part is confusing the hell out of me. Some one held you and lit you up and put you to sleep? And OP that dude didn't deserve no fair fight this aint a debate you tryna send a message. 

no, for the first time ever I knocked someone out. im going to edit it
Yeah I thought thats what you were saying at first but then re-read it and got confused. And your boy sparked you up with 4? That +@%* is very worth a few scabs in the 10th grade 
last time i got in a fight it was during class in a bathroom back in 10th grade. It was a 2 on 2 fight, the worse damage i sustained was when i slipped on the floor and cracked my head on the urinel. lmao im cool with all of them now and we laugh everytime we talk about it. it was def an epic %*! battle though lol.

and op, you need to watch the bronx tale. your story reminds me of what sonny said about owing ppl money
The last fight I got into was in the 10th grade. One of my teammates were talking reckless so then a fight ensued. We had like 5 punches each until the rest of the team broke it up. If I Brian today, I would whoop his %%+, nobody liked him.
2007 against the Jamaican dude on the intro of this skit his name is Shankster...

5am one summer morning dude was talking greasy inside of Dunkin Donuts and I

had to tear his face off....
Originally Posted by SplashySplash

Last time i fought was about 2 years ago. One of my "friends" had been owing me $100 from a tunk came for the longest. He kept ducking and delaying on paying me my money, meanwhile he's losing racks on top of racks at the casino, getting his car painted, hitting titty bars, etc...just spending crazy money in a nutshell. So after about 3 months of non-payment, I put the word out that next time homeboy was around, that whoever he was around had to call and tell me.

So one day, my boy call me and tell me that he at his house right now. I hop in my car immediately, go to his house, and see all my _ s (about 6 people) are there. I get out asking for my money, and he said he didn't have it, turned his back, and continued the conversation..So he continues laughing, having a good time while everybody looking at me like I just got #*%%+*% out....So I grab this glass bottle I had been drinking out of and crack that _ in the back of the head. I knock him on the ground, get on top of him and start +%!@%$+ his face up...Everybody pull me off, telling me I gotta square up with him. We square up, he swings and misses horribly, I give him a dawg #+% uppercut, he fall again, and I get on top of him again, hitting him in the face...I got tired of beating his #+%, dapped up all my _s and left....

He called me like 2 days later and gave me $40....that's the last time I saw him, I just said %$@+ it.

Any stories? I'm bored....

Dude, did you even read what you wrote before you hit the post button? I barely made out half the %$+! you wrote. 
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