when play fighting with a girl goes wrong............ funniest *!%% ever

Jun 28, 2008
So this chick I've been talking to comes thru and starts play fighting with me and she is about 5 3' 115 pounds and I'm 6 3' 210. She begins grabbing me and doing all that playful flirtation *@*% girls do when they are young (she's 20). So I start messing around with her and I pick her up with one arm and put her in the corner of my living room all smushed between the ceiling and wall and the I DDT her on the couch. ( I can't front I felt like I was 9 again and one of my boys came thru on some wrestling stuff.) So anyway she is laughing after I power bomb her and then she tries to kick me and I grab her leg and swing her around like a toy and drop her................. next all I hear is a crack and she is silent and starts crying like a toddler. I immediately run over to her because I threw her across the room literally and she is screaming don't touch me. She gets up gingerly crying the whole time and leaves she cries all the way to her car and leaves. Si is it safe to say I won't be beating? I was literally in there until I cracked her back. Bad little young creole thing with long hair............. damn oh well
That Lennie Small foreplay stuff.
Are you a !%%$%$$ idiot ? And that's a rhetorical question because I already know the answer is yes.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by georgehimself

That Lennie Small foreplay stuff.

OP you good though bo, you know she liked that @#$$. Once the pain went away and she realized she didn't incur any real physical damage she was aroused. Bet on it.

I'm the same way, I love to throw around a little one on some playful @#$$.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Say hi to Fleece for me because youre going away for awhile.�


@ you OP. After that power bomb you should've started to make your move.

How you gonna grab her by the leg and start swinging her?

Not only are YNS but you might get some charges put on you for that.
Son was happy and @#%@ talking about I threw her across the room and then grabbed her leg and flipped her over and ddt'd her @#%
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Say hi to Fleece for me because youre going away for awhile.�

Not only are YNS but you might get some charges put on you for that.
This. Seriously $%$ is wrong with you? You were beating up on a girl (a small one at that) and you thought it was funny that you hurt her and she left crying?

x 1000
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