When it comes to moving out, how far would you go?

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Be a man and move the F out now. I was in the same situation 4 years ago. Pops was taken money from me although I only occupied a basement that he ventured down to once a month if that. I was working 2 jobs and going to CC in the 3 years that I lived with him, I was still broke ##+ shh and extremely unhappy. So I figured if i were to struggle, it definitely wasn't going to be under my dad's roof anymore. I moved 2 states away with $300 to my name, a car note, and a part time job waiting for me. Been on my own since 21 and never received a helpful penny from anyone. Hell, my dad was still hittin me up for cash after I moved out like "Oh I think you still owe me some money" I was sleepin on a air mattress and eating tv dinners for a years and dude still had the nerve to ask me for moolah.

Sure you could stack chips, and hope one day your 'rents won't drive you to the point of strangling them, being on your own will only make you stronger.
ahhhhh, finally someone comes with a different outlook.

i look at it like this, if you're at home having people dip into the money you worked hard for, ALL the while still having to go by rules..not taking into consideration to how much schooling you prob will have to go through just to get a degree (say you want to be a doctor or lawyer)...it's better to just move out...grab a second retail joint, and tough it out.....until you can find a girl that is willing to move in and help you pay half on rent, then you can quit your 2nd job and enroll back in school.

but trying to become a doctor, all the while having everybody up under your house hold always needing you to help them out for money, you'll be broke for years ...and you won't be able to stack much...

props on you stepping up my dude.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Be a man and move the F out now. I was in the same situation 4 years ago. Pops was taken money from me although I only occupied a basement that he ventured down to once a month if that. I was working 2 jobs and going to CC in the 3 years that I lived with him, I was still broke ##+ shh and extremely unhappy. So I figured if i were to struggle, it definitely wasn't going to be under my dad's roof anymore. I moved 2 states away with $300 to my name, a car note, and a part time job waiting for me. Been on my own since 21 and never received a helpful penny from anyone. Hell, my dad was still hittin me up for cash after I moved out like "Oh I think you still owe me some money" I was sleepin on a air mattress and eating tv dinners for a years and dude still had the nerve to ask me for moolah.

Sure you could stack chips, and hope one day your 'rents won't drive you to the point of strangling them, being on your own will only make you stronger.
ahhhhh, finally someone comes with a different outlook.

i look at it like this, if you're at home having people dip into the money you worked hard for, ALL the while still having to go by rules..not taking into consideration to how much schooling you prob will have to go through just to get a degree (say you want to be a doctor or lawyer)...it's better to just move out...grab a second retail joint, and tough it out.....until you can find a girl that is willing to move in and help you pay half on rent, then you can quit your 2nd job and enroll back in school.

but trying to become a doctor, all the while having everybody up under your house hold always needing you to help them out for money, you'll be broke for years ...and you won't be able to stack much...

props on you stepping up my dude.
Going to school and working two jobs is so hard. My sister is doing it now trying to get in the nursing program and she just had a mini breakdown last week. lol  You're just going to bring more stress in your life, and most likely if you drop school, you're never going back (I'm speaking from experience lol)  Save your money and focus on finishing school.
Going to school and working two jobs is so hard. My sister is doing it now trying to get in the nursing program and she just had a mini breakdown last week. lol  You're just going to bring more stress in your life, and most likely if you drop school, you're never going back (I'm speaking from experience lol)  Save your money and focus on finishing school.
At 19, I moved one stay away to go live with this female friend i was hitting back in HS.
Got out there and chilled for like 4 months, kinda sorta looking for work.
Everything was on her though (AOB). My only job was $%#@*$$ her

Looking back I can't regret it because to this day I see how they STILL are with my stepbrother, 19 and they still grounding him. Dude goes to school and works part time. Dad and stepmom are a holes, PERIOD...
At 19, I moved one stay away to go live with this female friend i was hitting back in HS.
Got out there and chilled for like 4 months, kinda sorta looking for work.
Everything was on her though (AOB). My only job was $%#@*$$ her

Looking back I can't regret it because to this day I see how they STILL are with my stepbrother, 19 and they still grounding him. Dude goes to school and works part time. Dad and stepmom are a holes, PERIOD...
For my sister, it was San Diego (we are from Ohio).

In the past 7 years this is what she has accomplished:
-Racked up $10k in loans to go to culinary school (which she has JUST started)
-Get married for a few months without family knowing and then end up divorcing
-Got a restraining order on aforementioned ex
-Got a dog, whom she eventually had to get euthanized
-Work mediocre jobs

If the west coast was the ocean and Ohio is our ship, she would be the financial anchor. So many times has she called us in tears and then end up asking for money. My dad tryna make moves to live in Chicago and she really has no direction or anything... Can't cut off family though.

Probably won't be leaving my family's house until 21 when I'm about done with undergrad. And probably it wouldn't be far way unless it just ended up that way.
For my sister, it was San Diego (we are from Ohio).

In the past 7 years this is what she has accomplished:
-Racked up $10k in loans to go to culinary school (which she has JUST started)
-Get married for a few months without family knowing and then end up divorcing
-Got a restraining order on aforementioned ex
-Got a dog, whom she eventually had to get euthanized
-Work mediocre jobs

If the west coast was the ocean and Ohio is our ship, she would be the financial anchor. So many times has she called us in tears and then end up asking for money. My dad tryna make moves to live in Chicago and she really has no direction or anything... Can't cut off family though.

Probably won't be leaving my family's house until 21 when I'm about done with undergrad. And probably it wouldn't be far way unless it just ended up that way.
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