What's your nickname?

king ceaz by a few i like it
Munfy. Its origin is exceptionally ridiculous and very white. It involves Kurt Vonnegut's dog.
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

lately, these dudes at school been calling me Rafiki like the monkey from The Lion King cause they think I look like him.



thats not a really cool nickname i would be proud to be labeled.

i go by Hep (short for my last name)
but if im playing video games or any sports i go by PacMan or PrimeTime.

Ry [most common]
Biz, Bizzle [my boys call me either]
Best [eh, common]
Preem, Vills [not that common, only a select few know the whole story behind it]
J, TV, JFK, Jim, Kong [people who don't personally know me refer to me as JFKTV]
ky or kyky....hate em cuz my names only 4 letters long why shorten it even more? crazy....
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