What's Your Local Pick-Up Basketball Court Like?

Greogry Gym FTW
UT's biggest gym on campus, 6 courts, 3 are good people, 3 are bad people
In houston Lifetime Fitness, 2 courts, 1 good people most the time, 1 shoot around if there isnt day care
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

Just curious.

James Logan High School Courts FTW

-10 Courts, pretty easy to get on a court somewhere
-Not too many fights, although there was a stabbing/shooting once

-30,000 Filipinos usually flock to 2 or 3 courts, only playing amongst themselves
-Not usually a very high level of skill overall (me and my friends could compete with 95% of the people there, and none of us played high school ball)

-Play to 16 1st game, 12 2nd game
I gotta agree, James Logan has some nice courts too bad they shut off the lights early. If they had some type of switch for people who wanted toplay after hours that'd be cool. I remember all the times I would hop on a team and like five points into the game the lights turn off and everyoneinstantly walks off.
The ARC at UCD is pretty solid. 3 courts usually, the 4th one is usually reserved for badminton or volleyball. Game is straight up to 12 by 1's.
UT-Arlington MAC. 4 indoor - one court of good competition pickup (all races - white, black, hispanic, asian, indo-pak, whoever if they can play), usually a2-3 game wait. One court of good Asian-American competition, with some Middle Eastern on both courts. One court that the D-1 team uses, and one court forshoot-around, warm-ups, or just rec play. Play every night from 5-9, first game to 15, then games to 12, straight up, offense calls fouls. No arguing calls -if there is a question, it is solved quickly or we shoot for it. Ususally cuts down on any BS calls if they may shoot an airball and embarass themselves. Nofighting - fights bring a 1 year suspension.
My gym usually has two courts. One where all the good players -usually all black- play at. The other holds all the casual, weekend warriors type players. Iusually play with the casual players lol. But suttimes I'll run with the good players if I'm running with ppl I know. Everyone usually has a goodattitude. No beef. No trash talking. They just play which I usually appreciate.
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