What's your current dilemma?

My drain line from my sunroof has become disconnected, so, I might have to take my headliner down, but I'm not paying 100s of dollars for something I can fix, it is just a pain though.
Cant pull no chicks driving my grandmas Honda Fit - I'm srs

I work full time and go to school as well so I have no time to work out and I've become super lazy


I still wear cornrows and I dont want dreads and I dont want to cut my hair but I want a different look

Most of you just have to keep pushing an keep a positive attitude and you'll make it out..
Looking for a new job that pays more money
Want to move but i dont have everything together to make a move yet
Need to re up on new yambs...tired of the old ones
Feel like there is rarely anything new to do..all i do is work, chill wit my homeboys round my way, drink, and try to find some dummies to smash
Got jammed up last weekend, spent damn near the whole weekend in jail for no reason..now i gotta go to court over nothing :smh:
I haven't been to the gym since Feburary and I'm dying to go back. I'm lokking to go back at the end of the summer when I move. Keeping my fingers cross that all goes well and as planned.
The Judicial System keeps F'n me over on getting my felony reduced.

I owe the courts $1600 on a ticket that I should've had time served for 6 F'n years ago.

I owe the county $400 for some BS Welfare I've never been on.

I can't find a job, but I think I'm gonna start delivering for my boy.

My baby brother is gone, living with my mom; this my hugest problem. Has had me feeling depressed for about 9 months now.
no one loves, I'm fat, no one understands me, dark dark dark
the roses are dead, I'm ugly too, dark dark dark
no one loves, I'm fat, no one understands me, dark dark dark
the roses are dead, I'm ugly too, dark dark dark
my dilemma is this....I'm engaged with kids to a woman I been dating for close to seven years. I seriously want to be single again but don't want to be the reason another family is torn apart. I hear it all from family and friends: "its just the same as marriage" "do not do it if you're not ready" "its cheaper to keep her" "you have to be happy"

I don't even want to be single strictly for yambz. I just miss the peace of coming into my home or doing whatever the hell I want without having to be considerate of another person. I really feel like I'm going to make the wrong decision, so I been just avoiding making the next step.
my dilemma is this....I'm engaged with kids to a woman I been dating for close to seven years. I seriously want to be single again but don't want to be the reason another family is torn apart. I hear it all from family and friends: "its just the same as marriage" "do not do it if you're not ready" "its cheaper to keep her" "you have to be happy"

I don't even want to be single strictly for yambz. I just miss the peace of coming into my home or doing whatever the hell I want without having to be considerate of another person. I really feel like I'm going to make the wrong decision, so I been just avoiding making the next step.
Leave. Sometimes the best thing to do is the hardest thing you have to do. 

Take it from someone who was in a dysfunctional marriage with the child being the only reason I stayed. You can regain your happiness AND make it work for the child. Living a lie takes its toll. 

Good luck. 
Just list em.

I want what I've already had but can't have any more. Then when I get it again, I'm back to not wanting it.

I'm putting off this big move because I'm content where I am.

These ******* keep putting me on Instagram.

I'm better at paying back than I am at saving.
I think you know mine

Trying to get this probation officer gig, but they're saying only people with master's+ are getting interviewed. Ridiculous. Starting salary isn't even all that. Don't know what to do for plan B.

I've applied for similar jobs in San Fran, Seattle, and Denver.
Good luck trying to get that job. I just applied for a probation officer position and scheduled my civil service test. I am trying to stay optimistic but I know it is going to be competitive. 
Leave. Sometimes the best thing to do is the hardest thing you have to do. 

Take it from someone who was in a dysfunctional marriage with the child being the only reason I stayed. You can regain your happiness AND make it work for the child. Living a lie takes its toll. 

Good luck. 

How long did you stay married? How old was your child when you divorced? Was your ex mature about it, or did she go off the deep end?

I don't really know where to start.

Thanks CG
-I kind of want to move back home to be w/ family & friends, but I don't want to move back home because of family & friends

-my brother who I used to idolize is pulling me into debt, I want to cut him off but he helped raised me and I feel like I owe him
School, school, school man.

I just finished my Freshman year of college. Did horribly first semester due to foolishly not going to class and being just an overall lazy person. I knew that I couldn't keep living like that, so I went back second semester and actually put in effort. Ended up missing less than 10 classes all together I think, but the issue is that I ended up missing one major test in three of my courses somewhere between those collective ten classes.

The test I missed in math left me crippled with a C+ (If I had taken it, I would've had an A), the final exam I missed in Business Law left me with a D (I was able to make it up, but I spent so long using the study guide for the multiple choice section; I barely scratched the essays), and because I missed the final in Microeconomics left me with an absent from final grade. Being that I was already on academic probation from the first semester of screwing up, I only had 4 classes all together for the second semester. Just imagine my GPA already, based on the three grades I listed. Absolutely horrible.

I planned to come back and take the Microeconomics exam, but it wasn't financially viable and I couldn't get a ride to go back to NY. Realizing that everything was about to crash down on me, I quickly became depressed and full of anxiety. I've been this way since May :smh:

Lost my scholarship. Lost my financial aid. Was supposed to get an appeal letter for my financial aid done by this past Monday, but my mom got into a car accident this past Saturday so these last few days have been hectic. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I need to figure it out fast. I'm smart, and I can do the work. I just need one final chance to turn everything around.
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Saving up for a house. Could speed things up significantly by selling some of my kicks, but I don't want to. I think I'll bite the bullet, though.
Have to do a damn 20 page paper for a summer class.
I'm taking on my boss's work but not my boss's pay.
Getting to the point that i gotta kick out the roommate.
Drive a used BMW
Leave. Sometimes the best thing to do is the hardest thing you have to do. 

Take it from someone who was in a dysfunctional marriage with the child being the only reason I stayed. You can regain your happiness AND make it work for the child. Living a lie takes its toll. 

Good luck. 
How long did you stay married? How old was your child when you divorced? Was your ex mature about it, or did she go off the deep end?

I don't really know where to start.

Thanks CG
We were together for 4 years, then got married. Were married for 6 years. Daughter was 5 when I moved out. 

My ex wanted me to bounce so she could do her thing. I laid low. After she realized the grass wasn't greener she wanted me back, but the damage had already been done. I eventually scooped up a young Brazilian replacement, much to her dismay. She now hates that I am happy. Oh well. 

Everything is straight with my daughter though. I have her 3-4 nights a week. My daughters mom wanting to do her thing actually benefited me, because while she was out and about I was building a strong bond with my child. Now my daughter always wants to come to daddy's house. 
I gotta take about 2 classes or so to boost my GPA so I can transfer but I don't have the funds

I wanna travel but I don't have the funds

Basically all my problems revolve around money. Sh*t scressful bruh.
Do I...

Move across the country to find a high paying job in my field, leaving the girl I've known since I was 6 years old, my hometown + friends, and try to start a new?

Or, do I...

Stay in my city to be with my girl (who is the complete package; degree, smart, easy to please, doesn't like to be out, can cook) and continue working on what I have going for me now, which isn't much currently, but could land me at my dream job 5-10 years sooner than if I move away.

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