Whats You Favorite Indiana Jones Movie Vol. Crystal Skull in 5 days


DOG???? You were named after the dog??!

gets me every time

Last Crusade FTW
Yea, I'd have to go with Last Crusade, but Temple of Doom comes in a close second...
Anyone else watch the Young Indiana Jones series? I want to buy the dvds, but with all the extra content and dvds they threw in them, it kinda made them a bitexpensive.
Last Crusade surpasses the other two movies.

i thought the temple of doom sucked so bad...so bad.

but i'm hyped for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, cannot wait!
I like all of them but Temple of Doom is my favorite and The Last Crusade a close second.
Temple of Doom for me, but as stated before all of them are

After The Dark Knight, Im most excited for Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull this summer.
Wot ?!!? I thought Temple of Doom was everyones least fav.

Anyway .. I've always loved Last crusade ... loved the story and Connery. But lately I been feeling Raiders more. Wonder how crystal skull will turn out... if its anything like the last 3 ill be happy ... hope he doesnt pull a Star wars 1 2 3 on us again
they were all great... and its tough to choose... but I'll go with... Last Crusade... the story just appealed to me more I suppose...
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