What's the worst material thing you've ever lost?

I lost my psp like 4 years ago in my own house, left it charging. funny thing is i found the charger recently.
.25 rg pocket pistol
.357 taurus

They're both at my parents house; Im sure if i looked hard for the taurus, i'd find it, but im almost positive the RG is gone for good
I lost/or had stolen I'm not sure , a Tag Heuer Formula 1 watch, it wasn't even a year old, and was a graduation present from my girlfriend and her parents.
Fronted someone an eighth of some greeeeen...
never seen him again. Lost a cell phone at the fair in 7th grade. Lost like a .5 of some green dont even know where it went. I think my parents found it but they never brought it up with me.
my car i had put so much money into...my mom took it to the mechanic, it wasnt worth the work that needed to be done. so she never paid for the work that was done n i guess they ended up keepin the car or sellin it
Originally Posted by scorpio04

-My white/graphite Jordan Lites in 7th grade, stolen out of my locker at the why. . .tried not to cry in front of the boys specially since I was walking around in my socks after that
a $3000 breitling that took me 8 months to purchase was left next to a boxing machine on a drunken nyc night.

this year i'm buying a used boat 6-7 thousand and 2010 CAMERO ..as hard a i worked if i lost either
i'd be devistated.

this guys buying a 2010 camaro yet he doesn't know how to spell it....surrrrrrrrreeee buddy
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