whats the stupidest thing u ever got pulled over for?

Jul 24, 2004
ill start. i was making friends with mary jane
then i went for a drive.then i ran a red light. and cops pulled me over . and i had the wrong license plate on the car. thank god i got a pba card
I got pulled over for having my high school grad tassel in my mirror and for passing on the right. These are both apparently illegal. I live in Cali if itmatters. Didnt get tickets for them though.
^ dumb

i was making a left into the lane next to a cop n he said i almost hit him and he stopped me got me out of the car and gave me a warning
being black, basically.....cop pulled me over because my tail pipe isn't stock....whichis NOT illegal here in Toronto....dude was talking about my muffler being too big....I was like, "but officer, you can't see my muffler, it'sunder my truck"...I just gave him the
...knowing he waswrong he tried to act up saying some bull bout' "well I wanted to hear it so I can tell if it was too big" (no joke either)....i just gave himanother
as they had NO reason to stop me....bastards
If you drive a car they suspect the person may have warrants they'll pull the car over for minor infractions. They do this in order to look productive thatthey had an arrest, found drugs, tickets, etc.
Not pullin over to the next lane when the cop was on the shoulder wit the lights on.
I aint kno that was apparently illegal, but either way I was gettin of the exit, y I'mma change lanes?
Ticket cost me $270, smfh!
i've gotton pulled over twice for no reason before. Both times it went like this

cop: license and registration please.
me: no problem, here you go sir.
cop: it looked like you were swerving back there, have you been drinking tonight?
me: no sir.
cop: okay well GIT outta here!(word to chappelle)

I don't know what to make of that. I hate to use the cliche "it's because i'm black" but what else am I supposed to think when thathappens. It's not like I'm gettin hopped up on PCP and going for a sunday stroll.
man today im going to work this street is down hill mind you so to go 50-mph you need to slam on you brakes so im goin and i see a cop so i slow to 35-40 limitis 45 so im looking in my rear view as he pulls out behind me. Im thinking cool i saw him and i was only going 35 hes not gona pull me over! get to the lightand he turn the sirens on im like #!$ did i do? Turns out he was in front of a construction zone i didn't notice because im looking at him wondering why hepulled out behind me the whole damn time!!!
I did left and center? 3 times the cop said. I dint get a ticket. He just wanted to know If I was drinking. I wasnt. He dint even look me up in the pc.
Originally Posted by zidane4661

ill start. i was making friends with mary jane
then i went for a drive. then i ran a red light. and cops pulled me over . and i had the wrong license plate on the car. thank god i got a pba card
that sure is stupid...
i guess it woulda been better if the fire department was unwrapping your car off a tree?
you were being stupid running lights.
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

playing music loud. I was blastin' reggaeton, the cop told me "Next time, play some music we can understand."
can they actually say that?
first time i ever drove with my parents right after i got my permit...

so we're driving around, my mom is sittin shotty (she's 5'0" btw)

i was under 5 feet tall at the time as well...

cop pulls me over cuz he thought we were two kids that stole a car
I'm pulling up to a stop sign and I see a cop to my right, laying back in the cut to try to catch fools running the stop sign...
So I come to a complete stop, look both ways, wait a full three seconds, and then proceed.
As I clear the intersection the cop pulls out behind me and lights me up.
I'm like what the hell?

I ask the dude what's the problem...he says that I ran the stop sign.

I give him the
and ask "how exactly would I run thestop sign if I saw your car there as soon as I pulled up?" He proceeded to give me a warning and said "make sure you obey traffic signs"

I'm white by the way, although it was in a Hispanic neighborhood.
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