what's the nastiest thing youve ever done?

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is this you OP?

I like to dig my belly button....I'm I alone?

Nope. But I smell my fingers after :smh:

If you don't smell your fingers, what's the point of digging in your belly button. Gotta see what that thang smell like

back in the summer of 8th grade, i was feeling this chick hard; i took her used pad out the garbage and sniffed it :lol:

how bout you guys?

View media item 216724

Where the hell did this gif com from
Yoo OP has me :rofl: :rofl:

He shut the the thread down with the starting post. He ain't having anyone top him in his thread.
Aye man...

Rainbow kissing?

eating hairy bum?

Sniffing pads out of trash cans?

Man what is really wrong with you guys? :smh: Yall foul man for real :x
I had a roommate freshman year of college and dude would ALWAYS eat my food. He was one of those roommates who you werent really cool with, he just lived with you y'know? (had 3 other roommates).

anyway, one day he ate some chicken i brought back from thanksgiving and i got >:

The following weekend we ordered like 3 pizzas and left one pretty much untouched on the table while we were all eating the other two.
i cut some hair off my :wow: :wow:'s and cut it up into little pieces, like those pieces you see in etch a sketches.

I lifted up the cheese on the pizza and sprinkled the :x on top of the sauce.

Later that night like around 2AM, dude and his girl came home drunk from DT and started going in on it.

i was still up watchin tv like :wow:

Felt Batman.

and when i say Batman, i dont mean bad man. i mean when you do something epic to the bad guy but no one is around to see it.
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from a confession i posted.

my dad would not buy toilet paper.

I wiped my A!! with a towel and left it hanging .

Blamed my friend who was staying the night lolol
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