What's the most insignificant thing you ever skipped class for?

-to see round 2 of a fight that happened earlier that morning (which never took placs
latest reason was to go on the school library computers for sneakers on ebay with my friend
first time smashing my highschool crush , senior year. The p_ was wack
talk about coming back to reality
If I'm more than 1 minute late to class
If it's raining or snowing too hard
If there's at least 1 drop of rain
If it's cloudy and might rain
Too tired
Too hungry
Face too dry
Stomach growling
Once because i was at my friends apt and we had ordered chinese food and it took forever to get there...

Then a few times cause i didn't feel like sitting in class for 2 1/2 hrs
saw a girl enjoying a pizza hot pocket, hot cheetos, and a monster on my way to class.
got to class and was like %%%@ this and hit up the cafeteria. wasnt even hungry SMH
it was pouring rain one day.....didn't want to get my car dirty...cuz i just washed it the day before.....so i said forget it......
-to watch vultures annihilate what was left of an opossum
-extremely late
-chilling with the crew
-a blind date that was HORRID
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