whats the meanest thing a girl has said or done to you?

Yeah and I was a good man to her too. Oh well. She is feeling the pain now.

And I don't let that bad experience leave me bitter or pessimistic. Now don't get it twisted I will be far from naive and stay on my toes, but I know all women aren't like her. I know good women are few and far between, and I won't let what she did ruin another good woman's opportunity.

[Nas]Next go round I hope I pick the truest type, and watch me do it all again it’s a beautiful life[/Nas]

THIS x 1,000,000. It's nice to see someone still have this outlook. I get tired of hearing "all chicks are grimy/ you can't trust any of them". It's such a lazy thought process from such a small sample size from a person. I had some foul **** happen to me but I didn't let it stop me one bit. Props homey.
I remember a while back I was having a 3sum with 2 chicks. The 3sum was cool till the chicks started really getting in to each other like I wasn't even there or needed so I hopped up and got dressed. Chick told me "lock the door behind yourself" and they continued on with each other.
let the force of the humblebrag be with you :smokin
Man some of these stories I got a couple but this one still burns till this day and yes I am still bitter even though it happened 10 years ago.
My freshman year in high school had the biggest crush on this cheerleader/gymnast. Thought she was perfect, I attempted to ask her out and she declined. Turns she has a crush on one of my best friends who is an upper classmen, like she is obsessed but he wont give her the time of day. No big deal we hung out with the same circle of friends so we were always around each other so we were cool. FFW to the summer before our Junior year, I have a car now and am doing pretty well in football and alots of people have taken notice. I get done with lifting and she ask me if I could take her home, I say yes. Take her home, and ask me if I wanted to hang out later on. Of course I say yes, she comes over and sits on my bed and proceeds to say "Are we going to smash of what?" My eyes light up and we do the deed. We end up hooking up a lot for the rest of the summer doing couply things (movies, bbqs,parties), when I asked her to be my gf she said no I dont want us to complicate things. I say cool, so we smashing into the school year and football season. When ever she was down I would bring her flowers or starbucks. She dropped the "L" bomb one me as well. One day I was helping her with homework and she says she has to tell me something and i cant get mad. She then tells she had been smashing my best friend who was the upper classmen the entire time we were "dating". And that she was only messing around with me to keep him around. MY heart dropped. I didnt eat sleep or nothing for days.
To this day that stuff still bothers me!
See, that's the only problem with being a good-dude. In reality, this was your change to get some revenge by *******' her lil' a** out.

I'm sure you'd feel a LOT better about this situation if you had, but it's like you played ya cards wrong with a winning deck.
Summer squeeze sent me an email meant for her friend followed by another one saying don't read the first one.
So I open up the first one and see it all. :smh:
She told her friend she was about to break up with me once school started. She only talked to me because I looked like her ex.
I was a simp because I bought her a movie ticket and opened the door for her :rolleyes
Year later my gf at the time cell phone calls mine by accident. I'm yelling "HELLO!!!!" but nothing. So I sit and listen and I hear her whole conversation between her and her mom about me.
Found out she was talking to other dudes.
Mom was in on it.
Mom wanted her to keep on stringing me along because she could "fall back on a guy like me."[
/B]Was talking to a dude in college ( h.s. freshman at the time)
...the betrayal

I'm not even mad at my ex for breaking up with me. I just wish she did it because she was unhappy and not because her parents were getting on her case because I was Asian. I wish she showed a little more strength and character and was able to stand up to her parents. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive her for being so weak
Girl I was with left me for this really fat guy. Talking about like 350-400 range lol. I was so baffled and couldn't comprehend it. Anyways I got over it and started banging other chicks. Current GF is from Guatemala and so sexy.


What dude looked like lol
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some girl once asked me if i was gay :smh:

After dining, like 'dining' her, I 'had thought' I was going to get the favor 'returned'. She dressed me though and I knew I wasn't going to get any service, but at that point, I didn't want to seem like I was a freak. She dressed me and showed me the door, and I was 'upset'. LOLZ She saw my face and as I was exiting she tried to convince me to stay. She knew why I was upset and tried to 'talk me into the mood', and what not. But I just left blue balls and pre-leaks. hahaha

But from the emotional aspect, she found another dude behind my back. That was the end of it.
Well I've had Chlymidia twice....thats pretty mean.

My ex tried to throw bleach on me before....tried to burn my with an iron in my sleep. Good thing I'm a super light sleeper.

shorty was nuts
Man just a quick word to all you guys. These memories that are burned in your memory, don't worry because it all comes full circle. The same chicks that do this are the same ones that wake up one day and they are 28-30 with no one that wants them except for getting their **** wet. They realize their stock plummets and they start eating that humble pie.  
this is mostly my fault but still....

In 6th grade I had a crush on this girl. We were feelin each other and ****, she was kind of like my best friend. one weekend I decided to go on a bike ride, while on this bike ride i had an accident and chipped my front tooth. I was forced to go to schoolin my state, she saw me, I opened my mouth, she laughed in my face 
. I never forgave her for it. I got it fixed later, and she goes to a diffrient high school now. **** that ***** to this day.
all i can say is yikes....some of yall been thru some stuff lol....

worst for me would be a female faking a pregnancy....told me ima be a father and all that jazz.....found out a week later she lied and just wanted to see how i would react...i smashed a few more times and called it quits...
Taken from the same thread on BB
"I got sick and had the flu one time and my GF came over to see me.
She baked me brownies and brought over a simpsons VHS she had recorded little treehouse of horrors.
We watched it together and ate a few brownies.
Eventual she got up and left. I walked her out and went back in my room to finish the show.
Right before the show ended the tape cut to something horrible.
It showed my GF giving a guy a bj.
She lifted her head off him and spit the *** in a bowl of what appeared to be brownie mix.
She began mixing the *** in and said "sorry hun I found someone who can satisfy me better than you. Goodbye"
Real life trollin 
My girl at the time, first girl i've ever seriously dated, u know was faithful to. I left high school to go to college, she stayed and went to a local college, like two munths down she breakls up with me, over messenger (couldnt even call me :smh:), then the bird proceeds to send me a mp3, tells me to listen to it, it was Akon Mr.Lonely.

No lie i was depressed for months, it's been damn 8 years, thing what gets me is that she never apologized, she broke up with me because she was listen to her friends telling her that i'm over there cheating on her (i was not), but i'm winning right now, in a graeat relationship.

She's been in constant horrible relationships since then,seen her a few weeks back, saw the saltiness on her face, didnt talk to her, i still feel the need to tell her off though.
You guys been to rough things :smh:

The best I can remember is :

Her : "You don't have a heart"
Me : :lol:

And she was DEAD serious.
broad told me we wouldnt work becase her friends didnt like me and I was bringing down her rep. she also lied about moving and it mad me sad

Another broad on the first day of class moved seats immediately once I walked past her seat. She thought I was going to sit beside her and flirt with her smh
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My ex-wife took my house keys and told me she thought it was best if I didn't come home while I was laying in the hospital and couldn't leave..I had to have an ambulance come and get me cause I had a bad reaction to the medications I was taking..She came to the hospital w/a change of clothes for me and dropped the "I think we need time apart" bomb on me..Then walked out the room and went back to work..Worst part was is she knew I had no place to go cause none of my family was talking to me at the time due to me taking her side of a big family fight..

But it worked out cause we got divorced and she got to keep the house that had a 20k equity loan against it(which she had to take over payments on) and she had to pay me 400 a month in alimony for 3 1/2 years..
When I was in the 3rd grade, I was into the girl Rachel Vines, my first crush ever. We had our tables together so we sat in groups and she sat in my group. It was the end of the day and she was playing with my Eagles Starter snapback(#swag). I decided I was going to make my move. Like a 3rd grader, I just straight up tell her I like her. Her smile turns in to a stoneface and she puts my hat down. Just then the bell rang and she bee-lined straight out of the class. I tried to talk to her bet she ignored me all the way to her bus. She got on that bus and I never saw her again.

Now, I'm pretty sure her never coming back had nothing to do with me, but , at the time, I was devastated.

She was mad you told her that you liked her right before she was about to leave. She wanted you bro :wink:
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