whats the longest youve gone without eating?

food? maybe a day at most

and only because i probably drank so much the day/night before that i was too hungover to eat anything
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

Probably like an hour or so


Never more than 12 hours. Unless its for health related or religious purposes, you shouldn't mess up your diet like that. Read an article a while back which mentioned that starving may alter your sense of hunger so that you may feel that you don't need food, but your body is dying inside. 
A month. I was in a coma. Then I woke up and had a trach so I still couldn't eat. So over a month actually. Lost 20 something pounds. A person on here saw me with my shirt off and called me a Holocaust survivor.
about 3 days when my father passed away, would have seriously went longer if my mom wasnt crying/begging me to eat
3 days on two separate occasions. Once in the hospital, other time during summer classes when I was staying on campus. By the time I actually did get food I couldn't even finish it.
48 hours.

That first few months living on my own was a helluva transition.
a week. just got off a vegetable juice fast on friday. it was tough but i felt like drinking alot of warm water suppressed the hunger.
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