What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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i dont know, like 3 feet tall, around 25 lbs?

ended up giving it back
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Smh you ain't learn ****. That same dumbass friend who was telling you to turn up for HIS birthday is the 1 who didn't have YOU in his best interest. Following the crowd can get you caught up. You made conscious decision to tell yourself you were at your limit but you let someone else who didn't have your well being in their best interest override your regulations. Which is what led to the situation there after.

That same turn up BS done got a lot of people turning over in their grave. Don't ever let anyone make a conscious decision for you or override one you've already made bruh.

View media item 1038990
Actually spit some real ish right here
Smh you ain't learn ****. That same dumbass friend who was telling you to turn up for HIS birthday is the 1 who didn't have YOU in his best interest. Following the crowd can get you caught up. You made conscious decision to tell yourself you were at your limit but you let someone else who didn't have your well being in their best interest override your regulations. Which is what led to the situation there after.

That same turn up BS done got a lot of people turning over in their grave. Don't ever let anyone make a conscious decision for you or override one you've already made bruh.

My biggest L is not taking my high sweetheart to prom.... Instead I ended up trying to pull a pimp move and gut stuck going stag.... Ended up going late and lost the "dream " girl... Now she's somewhere living life with some dude that should be me...
My biggest L is not taking my high sweetheart to prom.... Instead I ended up trying to pull a pimp move and gut stuck going stag.... Ended up going late and lost the "dream " girl... Now she's somewhere living life with some dude that should be me...

How old are you fam?
Last night/early this morning, I nutted after like 3 pumps in the new wifey. Even worse, my jimmy refused to get back in the game and shriveled in the Heat of the moment like a d.wade against the Spurs.

I've never been so embarrassed in my life. My lady attributed it to nerves, but it honestly wasn't that. I'm afraid that all the years of fapping is starting to catch up to me...smh.

Ol' girl is a stand up chick, so she was just cool about the whole situation. Still, I've never felt so emasculated. Seriously hope that this is temporary and that there is no repeat of this ishh again.


My biggest L is not taking my high sweetheart to prom.... Instead I ended up trying to pull a pimp move and gut stuck going stag.... Ended up going late and lost the "dream " girl... Now she's somewhere living life with some dude that should be me...
Last night/early this morning, I nutted after like 3 pumps in the new wifey. Even worse, my jimmy refused to get back in the game and shriveled in the Heat of the moment like a d.wade against the Spurs.

I've never been so embarrassed in my life. My lady attributed it to nerves, but it honestly wasn't that. I'm afraid that all the years of fapping is starting to catch up to me...smh.

Ol' girl is a stand up chick, so she was just cool about the whole situation. Still, I've never felt so emasculated. Seriously hope that this is temporary and that there is no repeat of this ishh again.



Stop fapping and stop watching porno ASAP
Biggest L I've ever taken was documented on NT.

It involved a backpack that was allegedly filled with Capri Suns and Hot Cheetos.

I still think about that day + the proceeding thread and do the :lol: x :smh: combo
My most embarrassing L that I can recall (besides the 'Take Care' story...it's in a couple threads)...September, 2003. Let me set the scene for y'all...

So it's like the 3rd week of my freshman year in HS, right...I'm barely 13 at the time, youngest ***** in the school with a curly lil bush on some Smart Guy steez :lol:. Ain't eem tripping tho, cause all I know is that it's Friday && I'm one more class && a bus ride home away from jumping right back on that good Madden '04...:pimp:. So, outside of getting lost in the hallways while tryna find my class on occasion, life was aight...except for one thing.

My last class on B days that year was Spanish 2. Now the work was no issue, not in the slightest...BUT, the class is FULL of meddling *** 11th graders who I was in this class with were a whole different story...&& since I was a quiet, attention-hating freshman with a hairstyle that brought attention to myself, I became the target of all of their jokes. ****** calling me Krusty the Clown cause of the shape of my fro && some more **** :smh: :smh: (I'll try to find pics to give y'all some perspective). Didn't help that our teacher left after the 3rd day of school, so at this point we had a sub teacher EVERY day for a solid two months...needless to say, it was open season on Toretto, but nothing compared to what would ensue on this day...

So as I prepare to leave English, I look out the window && it's pouring down outside...which is fine, until you consider the fact that my Spanish class was held in one of those outside temporary classrooms. *BELL RINGS* time to go to Spanish. I go to my locker, anticipating the roast that surely awaited me upon my arrival...but it's cool, tho, I'll just grab my umbrella && be the first one to class...right???

**** no. Wrong. :lol:

Because I look all thru my locker, thru my book bag, && come to find out, I have no umbrella in my possession. Frantically searching, this spelled the beginning of the end for me because I got a soft hair texture which was prone to flattening when rained on. I take a glance outside at the torrential downpour, **** had me lowkey welling up, brehs, cause I knew my fate had been sealed. 10 mins later, with all other options && palm sweat exhausted, I come to terms with making a dash in the monsoon for that classroom door. A moot point, in actuality, because about 8 minutes before that, the tardy bell sounded...so, everyone's already in class at this point besides me. I open that door, taking in the volatility of the precipitation before I run out into it, the Undertaker's theme music blaring in my mind as I try to prepare myself for Armageddon...&& I'm off!

I ran to that building about as quickly as I could under the circumstances. I make it, && try to get myself together, taking in the deepest of breaths that I've taken in life to this day. Grab my pik, && try to salvage what the rain did to my fro, but it was useless. That **** hit the top of my cranium && nothing else...sides of my head still were intact, making my **** look like a half oval. Mind you, it's still raining lol...so I face the music && say **** it. I slowly open the door, word to the Saiyans emerging from the hyperbolic time chamber...&& when I did, the considerable volume of teenage mayhem I heard in the classroom beforehand...STOPPED. Everything stopped...the talking, the laughing, hell...even time itself, it seemed. I take two steps into the classroom, each of them sounding like the most sinister of lightning strikes, given the silence...seconds later, this kid named Kenny, THE class clown, points at me && says...


Everybody's like :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: at this point :lol: :smh:...I just walk in, get my assigned work from the sub, && sit at the forefront of the class, since there were no seats left. My neck hurt for a solid 2 days straight due to hanging my head down for the duration of the class. Longest 80 mins of my life, b.

Don't ask how, but over the next 3 months, I ended up chopping the fro, being cool with the ones who were cooking me, even parlayed my way to pulling one if the 11th grade shorties from that very class :pimp:. Didn't last long tho (&& was probably fabricated, honestly lol); I was scared to let her kiss me, && she soon dropped me for the new sophomore in our class who looked just like Julius Peppers...biggest L of that is me being a lifelong Panthers fan. >D :lol: :lol: :smh:
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Long story.....

I was seeing some chick last summer (after my ex broke up with me). She made plans with her gay best friend and a few of his roommates, the roommates bail to hangout with their boyfriends. Everything was cool one day she goes over her "gay best friend" house. She FaceTime me (she's kind of drunk) and tells me to come over.

I go over and eat some pizza and a drink my beer. Me and her friend are smoking weed and she's somewhere drunk in the house. She's drunk so me and her best friend throw her in the shower to sober her up, obviously that doesn't work. She climbs on top of me telling me that she wants to go down on me and stuff so I tell her " get away from me you're drunk". I go to the kitchen to get her some water.....I hear a moan. I go to the bathroom and they are not doing anything. I go to get water again I hear a moan again and same thing they aren't doing anything by the time I get back.

I take her to the room so she can lay down and he tells me "you if want you can do her".
I have him the stone face.
I go use the bathroom and they are in a different room. Next thing I see is both of them making out tongue and everything lol. I should of punched him but I'm not going to get my hands dirty over some ***.

After that I started seeing other girls and she lied about it saying that only happened once...later on she told me it happened twice. Her excuse for kissing him....the classic "I was drunk" lol.

U should've just let her dome u when she offered and called it a day.

"Get away from me you're drunk"

[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] WHAT

Why would you ever turn down done from your girl?

My biggest L is not taking my high sweetheart to prom.... Instead I ended up trying to pull a pimp move and gut stuck going stag.... Ended up going late and lost the "dream " girl... Now she's somewhere living life with some dude that should be me...

Dead at "high school sweetheart" :lol:
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