Whats the Best condoms to use?

Only used trojans. Have had zero breaks.
If it aint broke don't fix it. and these girls too scandalous to be going raw.
Only used trojans. Have had zero breaks.
If it aint broke don't fix it. and these girls too scandalous to be going raw.
Some A+ quality advice in here.

You should prolly just go raw. It feels better and it's not like anything bad could happen right? The pullout method is 100% accurate, right guys? RIGHT?
Some A+ quality advice in here.

You should prolly just go raw. It feels better and it's not like anything bad could happen right? The pullout method is 100% accurate, right guys? RIGHT?
Originally Posted by IdealApotheosis

Some A+ quality advice in here.

You should prolly just go raw. It feels better and it's not like anything bad could happen right? The pullout method is 100% accurate, right guys? RIGHT?

...but seriously i raw my main chick & females i know very well & been messin wit for a long time. i hate condoms from the bottom of my heart, but if i have to use one its them ecstasy joints
Originally Posted by IdealApotheosis

Some A+ quality advice in here.

You should prolly just go raw. It feels better and it's not like anything bad could happen right? The pullout method is 100% accurate, right guys? RIGHT?

...but seriously i raw my main chick & females i know very well & been messin wit for a long time. i hate condoms from the bottom of my heart, but if i have to use one its them ecstasy joints
dudes having problems with magnums

when i first started having sex, i used magnums...they used to break all the time..

three in one chick...

go grab the Magnum XLs....they harder to find, but ive only broke ONE of those in like.....9 years....
dudes having problems with magnums

when i first started having sex, i used magnums...they used to break all the time..

three in one chick...

go grab the Magnum XLs....they harder to find, but ive only broke ONE of those in like.....9 years....
Originally Posted by eashawty

kingofny04 wrote:

NYC condom...nuff said
u have got to be kiddin me

I originally was but now that I think about it there is no way NYC will be giving out at least a semi decent condom to the public. Can you imagine the lawsuit's that would follow by people claiming to be pregnant because their NYC condom broke?
Originally Posted by eashawty

kingofny04 wrote:

NYC condom...nuff said
u have got to be kiddin me

I originally was but now that I think about it there is no way NYC will be giving out at least a semi decent condom to the public. Can you imagine the lawsuit's that would follow by people claiming to be pregnant because their NYC condom broke?
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