Whats soo Good about Plies?...I must be missing something..

The gif game is top notch in this thread
This guy is terrible, forget dudes sayin he ain't that bad, he's real, etc. The man rhymes one syllable for a whole verse, he hasabsolutely no flow, no vocabulary, no wittiness... nothing.

And as for what's wrong with an educated dude makin ignorant music that perpetuates negative stereotypes of black folks? I can't believe I even have toaddress that issue. He's obviously shuckin' and jivin' for those good ol' dollas from whitey... This dude is worse than a clown.
Originally Posted by red mpls

This guy is terrible, forget dudes sayin he ain't that bad, he's real, etc. The man rhymes one syllable for a whole verse, he has absolutely no flow, no vocabulary, no wittiness... nothing.

And as for what's wrong with an educated dude makin ignorant music that perpetuates negative stereotypes of black folks? I can't believe I even have to address that issue. He's obviously shuckin' and jivin' for those good ol' dollas from whitey... This dude is worse than a clown.

yea, I think I kinda feel you on this. I don't listen to plies and the only time I've heard a verse by him was on "i'm so hood." However, I would never in a million years think that was the same guy who just spoke during the interview. Like i said tho, i don't listen to him so idon't know if the intelligence he obviously displays in real life transfers over to his rap persona.....hmmmm. Or could have just been frontin' cuz hewas being interviewed? Who knows.

But honestly, I think A LOT of rappers probably fall victim to that "shuck and jive" syndrome; like if you use modifiers and conjuctions in yourrhymes that makes you whack. Or use a word that has more than two syllables.....It's like Cee said, "oh my gawd/bein' a N must be a goodpayin' job."
Originally Posted by young dr0

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

everyone ive talked to likes him because he is so vulgar

I don't mind him on gutta tracks but son OD on songs for the ladies ... ain't nothing wrong with eatin' the box but he need to chill on that ... I hate hearing Ms. Pretty P in the club ... ghetto brauds be all hype.... this could been in the other Plies post tho.

y'all need to hop off if his style doesn't fit you taste then so be it. as for him speaking with some sense i just got out of jail Monday and i canassure you there is goons with some knowledge. last i checked nas came out talking bout the NY thug life but seemed to have plenty of sense. plies isentertainment simple as that a entertainment i can relate to even if he doesn't live it. he's talking bout things I've seen in my life (besides thebushes thing). is plies a lyrical dude heck no in that regard he sucks beyond imagination but his entertainment factor is way up there and in this day and agewhen a guy like un casa is a G (i dont dislike un but come one look at the guy) i don't believe any of these rappers point blank so if we go on the samelogic as this topic refrains to plies every rapper out should be banished for fraud.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

There's nothin that's "so good" about dudes rapping. However, he isn't nearly as bad as some people like to make it seem. As far as dude being different on records than in interviews, i don't see what the huge deal is. Music is a art-form, people are forgetting that, if you choose to represent yourself a certain way then fine. When you try to take on that persona 24/7, that's a issue and that's what 99 % of rap cats is doing.

Not trying to say Plies and Luda's rapping is on the same level AT ALL, but forreal doesn't Ludacris do the same thing? Listen to a Ludacris album, especially his earlier ones and tell me from that album would you think he was a college graduate, (Georgia State University) whose parents also went to college???? But he doesn't get on interviews acting like he's a damn fool, or some goon. Take it how you want, but i'll still respect Plies more than most of these other cats in the game.

word. raping is just entertainment at the end of the day. now that i see dude is educated, and actually has some self worth for himself, i respect him. illlisten to his records and not take the whole rap thing to mind anymore because i see that dude is educated and has a family to look out for. he has a collegedegree, which means, after he cakes off this music... dude can go do whatever else he wants...

smart move on his part...
I mean - never once have I looked at NikeTalk as a barometer for what's bumpin' in the hood, so with that bein' said - I #*$$ with Plies, and so domany others.

Don't like him?

Don't check for him.

It's that easy.

And how stupid is it to say that he's fake/phony because he's intelligent in interviews? You really expect Ns to be on some "Hooked OnPhonics" #%@@ 24/7?

Same folk who said Jay was nuthin' but a materialistic flash in the pan wannabe back in 97-98...now they marvel at how smart he is (and no, I'm notsayin' Mr. Hunid Years is bout to be the next Jay, just sayin' that muh****as make stupid assumptions early only to be suprised by intellect later).

Whateva tho.
^even when jay was spittin his most simple @@#% it was lightyears ahead of plies... all im sayin is plies cant damn rap... his flow is elementary... N make bigkuntry look like a lyricist...
TW3EK you been on this board for as long as I have, so you already know I'm a very big Jay fan...

But my man there's no way in hell "Sunshine" is seein' "100 Years" or "Drivin My Momma Crazy".
^Pretty much.

And it's funny cuz all this hatin' and that "he can't rap %*$%" is the same thing they said about Mr. 17.5.

Now look at 'em.
bodyfullapolo was like:
Puzziass NTers don't love the air a N' breathe for real...
JohnnyCage202 preached:
^Pretty much.

And it's funny cuz all this hatin' and that "he can't rap %*$%" is the same thing they said about Mr. 17.5.

Now look at 'em.

Them _s poison dawg, a %%++# need to murk em...
Originally Posted by JohnnyCage202

^Pretty much.

And it's funny cuz all this hatin' and that "he can't rap %*$%" is the same thing they said about Mr. 17.5.

Now look at 'em.

Man I remember that *%% like it was yesterday. About 8 pages worth of hate towards Jeezy. Those same dudes now bumpin' with him even though he droppedhis best *%% when they were busy hatin' on him. Its NT for ya though. Not shocked even a little bit. I'll give credit to some cats on here though. Whenthey hate atleast they consistent with it and not flip floppin'.
Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by JohnnyCage202

^Pretty much.

And it's funny cuz all this hatin' and that "he can't rap %*$%" is the same thing they said about Mr. 17.5.

Now look at 'em.

Man I remember that *%% like it was yesterday. About 8 pages worth of hate towards Jeezy. Those same dudes now bumpin' with him even though he dropped his best *%% when they were busy hatin' on him. Its NT for ya though. Not shocked even a little bit. I'll give credit to some cats on here though. When they hate atleast they consistent with it and not flip floppin'.

Jeezy fell off to me right after they stopped hating him. Now everybody loves him and I be like "That's how ya feel?". It's sad cuz Ionce said Jeezy had enough momentum, charisma, and a big enough pressence to be a modern day Tupac to the hood. He had the WHOLE hood and ghettos nationwide onhis tip.
what does being a good rapper have to do with his intelligence...i dont give a damn if he went to college or not, or even if he is a goon..but the N cantrapper. simple. period.end of discussion.
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