Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

come on people... Kobes ben in the L for 13 years... of course he would have and should have more fans. He's been through the basketball fans of the 90s and 2ks.

I remember, not too long ago, he was the most hated player in the L (sort of where LeBron is at right now) Plus some people havent gotten off the Laker bandwagon since the Shaq/Kobe era, or even the Magic/Kareem era...
at you thinking that bron gets just as much hate as kobehad/have.... THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FAN AND GIVING RESPECT... and that night in MSG.. kobe got the respect from NY
it's called similar ratio.

if you say not everyone in la likes kobe, but then not everyone in clevelnad likes lebron.

these home-town homers affect "cheering"

at the end msg had more lakers fans than cavs fan obviously.
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

@ Bron being anywhere near the most hated player in the league.

hi hater
?? Far from it, I recognize greatness when I see it. Bron, Kobe, and Wade for that matter are doin' their thing. But seriously, who told youBron was near being the most hated player in the league?

Secondly, where did I say that the MVP chants warranted it being a better performance? I was responding to PRETTYPLAYA's once again genius analysis ofcrowd dynamics. I already said Bron had the better overall game. Jeez someone's getting sensitive.
at this MVP chant talk like it makes Kobes performance any better than LeBrons. Fans in the arena have nothing to do with the individual performance.Would you denote MJs final shot just because the crowd didnt chant MVP after?
The debates in here are starting to get real dumb now.

Who's got more fans at MSG? Lakers or Cavs? Are you freaking serious?

Those were both phenomenal performances by Kobe and LeBron. Enough said, and most importantly, both teams got the road win.
^yes, serious. fans do matter.

as for being most hated, Bron is up there, who else then? Wade? prolly these two now.
Mamba MVP, the only thing directed to you was when i quoted you...

and Kobe always got the hate because he was in the shadows of MJ.... now LB gets it cause hes in the shadows of Kobe. It happens every time theres a new starin the horizon.
waste of arguments in this thread....yes both were phenomenal performances thus back to back nights too...important thing is they have to contend for a titledoesnt make a difference if one has a triple double or breaks a record...all that matters is whos where at the end of the season
if there were more laker fans there then how come none of the other lakers got cheered on?

how come pau got 31 and didnt get any cheering?

how come kobe was the only player to get cheered on and called the MVP by everyone in the arena?
Lebron is not hated.... are you serious.
Kobe is hated the most
1. By Indy since he took over in OT and got us the W

2. by kings with Obvious reasons

3. spurs as well obvious reasons,

4.Philly goes both ways., suns obviously Celtics duh.

5. people dont like his attitude and demeanor

6. all the kobe/jordan comparisaon

wade gets hate on alot too since of his flopping and all that.

Lebron hated probably by Pistons and definitly Wash.

but he aint top 10
So far everyone on ESPN is going with Kobe. Lebron forced it and everyone saw through it. I give Lebron props, but this debate will go on all season. Just whatStern wants.
Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYA

kobe is not that hated anymore b/c of his humbleness.

we talked about that remember? lol

Kobe is still hated lol. you serious? lol youre a prime example
Man, i'm readin this thread and dude's are seriously exaggerating the HELL outta the "ENTIRE ARENA chanting MVP" for Kobe. I heard PLENTY ofboos there as well. But there were HELLA KOBE fans, there, not LA, but KOBE fans.

Just like when those stupid Kobe fans tried to do it at Oracle this year but got drowned out with the quickness cause the Warriors have TRUE fans, unlike NewYork.

Also, you guys talk about Bron forcing it...You cant' tell me in the 4th when Kobe was only a couple points away from MJ, he didn't look to try andscore it EVERYTIME. Dude got fouled on like 4 consecutive possessions cause he wanted to break that record and you know it.

I'm just glad I got League Pass, cause Kobe fans stay exaggerating things.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Why can't we just appreciate *!#%?

Nas vs. Jay
Kobe vs. Bron
Kobe vs. MJ
Pac vs. Biggie

Why the *!#* can't we just be glad that we actually get to see these 2 greats play on a regular time basis?
Why do we NEED to compare them to each other?

To validate that we like the better choice?

I'll never understand it

Can we please end this now?

52 Points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists > 61 Points, 3 rebounds, 0 assists

I'm trying to look at it in this way..what would be more difficult? For Lebron to score 9 more points to reach 61 or for Kobe to get 8 more rebounds and 10more assists? Without a doubt it would take Kobe longer to reach THAT statline..which makes me believe Lebrons performance was better. It'd be much easierfor him to get 9 more points than Kobe getting 8 more rebounds and 10 more assists.

Am I making sense to anyone..? It makes sense in my head
Originally Posted by JPZx

Can we please end this now?

52 Points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists > 61 Points, 3 rebounds, 0 assists

I'm trying to look at it in this way..what would be more difficult? For Lebron to score 9 more points to reach 61 or for Kobe to get 8 more rebounds and 10 more assists? Without a doubt it would take Kobe longer to reach THAT statline..which makes me believe Lebrons performance was better. It'd be much easier for him to get 9 more points than Kobe getting 8 more rebounds and 10 more assists.

Am I making sense to anyone..? It makes sense in my head

LeBron's was more impressive, in my opinion.

Y'all are immature as hell.

The percentages of loyalty have for LeBron or Kobe? Like, how do you even argue that? How do you prove that? You don't, and that's why it would take acertain sense of immaturity to throw something like that out there.

The population of each city?

And like KB8SD said: more fans at MSG?

Someone said on the previous page that Kobe fans and LeBron fans can't be in the same room together.

That's almost true.

Kobe hyper-homers and LeBron hyper-homers can't be in the same room.

And 99.9% of their fans are hyper-homers (see, Xta, I can throw something unprovable out there, too. I just don't, because it provides nothing to anargument).

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