Whats good with Delonte West?

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

Originally Posted by Nike God

Wow LeBron is one arrogant a*hole.
"To see that I have faith in him it's more big for him"

Dude's talking like he's MJ passing to Paxson or something. Give me a break.

I was thinking the same thing. I mean, its true what he said but I thought it was one of those cliche' things that sportswriters and announcers say as opposed to the player himself saying...

- you know at first i thought the same thing.....but then its kind of a diss to washington. i mean hes kind of saying washington is no big deal so i let delonte take care of 'em. if he missed oh well its just washington we'll beat 'em the next game anyway.

i don't think so. i think you're thinking about it too hard and trying to twist it into something that's not. but you know, I wouldn't besurprised if the media turned his statement around, just like your statement, to try to save lebron from such a comment.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

and with his money he hasent got that off yet?
i would have BEEN on that
hmmm maybe he has enough self esteem to not be too concerned with his appearance? just a thought haha
Haha, I don't think the lady knew what Delonte sounded like and as soon as he made his "hands-down mans-down" comment, it was a wrap as far theinterview went. She said "thank you" sooo fast right after he got done talking, I wouldn't have been surprised if she said "thank you"after he said his first word...
he a funny guy, i remember when he talked about his ideal date would be to take the girl to popeye's

man when he was in st.joes and they played away games, people used to kill him saying it was herpes or aids and stuff..
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

he sounds a little like adam sandler in waterboy

You know I was going to say the same thing. Like he has a Louisianan drawl. Like he should be talking about crawfish and gumbo all the time.
I've always liked the way the dude plays and yea you can say all you want about his grammar but he is a genuinely funny guy. He's the type of dude youcan tell loves playing the game and has fun doing so.
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