What's "BIN" as in the BIN23 collection stand for anyways?

From Worlds of Wine:

"Bin numbers are another form of branding wine, and have nothing to do with quality. They're most common on Australian wines, but I've seen them from New Zealand and from an East European producer (whose name I've forgotten).
The origins are very straightforward. Australian wineries used to store their wines in numbered compartments called 'bins' and they just started to name the wines after them. Later they simply devised numbers for their wines. Some wineries code them to refer to grape varietals, but others make them up. One wine maker told me that when they were looking for a bin number for his latest wine, they couldn't remember how the code worked. After a while, someone asked him, "When's your birthday?" "13th of August," he replied. "OK, we'll call it Bin 138." And it was.

Lindeman brands many of its wines with Bin numbers. Bin 65 is its best-selling Chardonnay and Bins 444 and 555 are very popular. But don't expect to see a Bin 666—the diabolical connection might put too many people off"
some guy i tlked to said it was an artist mike has work for him and he likes cigars so thats the wax stamp
most elaborate ive personally heard
but i still call false
Originally Posted by SwoleHouse

The "BIN" name drew its inspiration from wine aging process and how they were stored. The bin identified the batch of wine and it was numbered and labeled with a wax stamp. I rememver reading this on,anothet site I dont remember where though.

I believe you, but it's still whack.

ive heard the cigar thing, said above. but the wine thing dosent make much sence, seeing how the older jb gets the worse things become.

a milk or some food that rots, would be more of a fitt'n reference. lol

smh at these being $300+ but nobody knowing(in general) what bin means. says alot about new new school buyers if you think about it.
Originally Posted by SwoleHouse

The "BIN" name drew its inspiration from wine aging process and how they were stored. The bin identified the batch of wine and it was numbered and labeled with a wax stamp. I rememver reading this on,anothet site I dont remember where though.

you know youre talking about ISS son, just say it. scaredy cat.
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