what would life without sports look like?

that makes zero sense
I think what he is getting at is that sports is a positive and (can be) lucrative 'escape' or a 'way out' for a lot of underprivileged folks.  Without sports to 'save them' they would have a higher chance of becoming a product of their environment...? 
Guess I'd spend more time on the Internet or video games lol not sure because sports is a huge part of my life...NT wouldn't be as big without sports:nerd:
Women will be more humble seeing that there won't be any athletes to gold dig
That is a hard question to answer, competition can be seen in anything we do. Business, academics, sports, gambling, etc.

I think we would just resort to killing people at greater numbers just for the sake of pleasure, which could really be seen as sport in a certain way. Or maybe we would be more creative and value the arts much more.

sports allows us to take out our aggression in a non-violent way. When "our team" can beat the "other team" in competition, it makes us feel good when "our team" wins.

When you simplify team sports down to the human level, it still is a "tribe vs. tribe" battle, but it doesn't involve killing for resources (food, shelter, medicine) because modern society has managed to get all of those resources much easier due to our discovery of agriculture.

We do sports because we want a way to channel our aggression and make use of our strengths and instincts.

I agree completely. Human nature remains the same. We would have one of two things. We would have more wars, many more small and regional and civil wars.

We would probably still have duels, street brawls, gladiatorial games and trials by combat (with plenty of spectators for all of those things). The alternative is that we would be more genteel and art, poetry, architecture, music and rhetoric would be intensely watched and they would serve as points of civic and regional pride.

Both things could very well happen as well. In a way, a number of societies were both particularly genteel and particularly violent. The Classical Greeks, Medieval Italians and Americans in the 19th Century all fit that description. Folks sometimes dismiss sports as a latter day bread and circuses but I reply that societies are usually bad and they would get worse without such.
Let Ray Lewis tell it, it would be complete anarchy.

On the real doe, people would be a lot more politically aware.

We'd probably follow politics like we follow sports.
I remember asking this question out loud when I realized co-workers would rather speak about the latest news in sports than other things going on in the world.

Then I got barraged with comments on how sports saves peoples lives. That's all nice. But the bigger question is, if things like growing food, architecture and other applied sciences were deemed "Cool", what would the world look like then?
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