What were you afraid of when you were a kid?

Can't think of anything specific, but i remember reading about the klan in the encyclopedia and i was hardbody shook.
Some of the brutal cases in this probably scarred me as a kid

The case of the Korean immigrant mom who was raped, killed, and tossed in a dumpster in New York always stayed with me |l

I remember watching an episode of America's Most Wanted and Bin Laden was featured (pre-9/11) and I remember having a nightmare that night of dude looking through the window by my front door at me like he was gonna kill me
Thriller and these things..

All kinds, mainly cockroaches
Biggest phobia of mylife

Which is kind of funny since my favorite animal in the animal Kingdom is the preying mantis, Aka the Bruce lee bug
treading water that's deeper than around 10' while at the beach. i was always afraid that a shark was about to bite my feet.

This **** right here had be spooked for a while. We were watching it at daycare, and the scene where he sent the ghost to take the baby, I began crying because I was thinking a ghost was going to come get my little brother. So they turned it off
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