What was the lowest moment in your city/fav. team's history?

giving up on your team or not, that man was the best thing to happen to that CITY since getting a team. Yall can hate him now, but he did alot for that franchise getting it off its#$!%@.

Oh yeah, I totally agree. Dude was my idol. MJ was the reason I picked up a ball, Vince was the reason why I loved to try and play exciting basketball, pastpaced, flashy plays. But when the situation hit its peak, it became the worst situation in raptor history.
Originally Posted by joesarge

Every. $*#$$#+. Day.

Feel where your coming from man.
^ tough team to follow

The drafting of Araujo while Iguodala was still on the board.

Iggy was the player i wanted all along but i thought he'd go top 5, when he fell to #8 i was ecstatic, and well, you know the rest from there.
Niners drafts............1995-2005
Letting Julian Peterson go to the division rival seahawks.

Cardinals getting swept in the world series by the red sox.

The Orlando Magic letting shaq go to the lakers.......i still dont remember if he went as a free agent or if he was traded cause NOTHING good came out of that.

Grant Hill not getting over any injuries at ANY time while an orlando player.......and the magic trading T-Mac to the rockets for.............Steve Francis,UGH...........
Nuggets- Post Mutumbo Pre Melo days.

1. 1997-1998 Season- One of the worst NBA seasons of all time. I think we only won 11 games that season

2. Draft Blunders- Raef LaFrentz, Nikoloz Tskitishvili

3. Trading away good players- Chauncey Billups, Jalen Rose
Sonics - Right now and Rex Chapman
Mariners - Also right now and Soriano GW homerun off Sasaki in ALCS
Seahawks - Darrell Jackson
and Jeremy Stevens

Cubs - well, it's the Cubs
Bulls - Whatever happened after MJ retired for 2nd times including Ron Mercer getting his balled ripped off by MJ.
The drafting of Araujo while Iguodala was still on the board.

Iggy was the player i wanted all along but i thought he'd go top 5, when he fell to #8 i was ecstatic, and well, you know the rest from there.

thank god

2001 Finals...after that amazing game 1
Super Bowl III- Joe Namath makes the guarantee. My Colts lost this game after being 17 point favorites. This was fixed. I watched it yesterday onthe NFL Network and there were so many suspicious things done by Earl Morall. The worst was when he "didnt see" Jimmy Orr in the endzone waving hishands and jumping up and down to get his attention to throw him the ball, there was nobody around him. The weird thing is that, that play was designed to go toJimmy Orr only and earlier in the season they used that play and Orr caught the touchdown, now all of a sudden Morall throws the ball over the middle into asea of Jets jerseys.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

The Tuck Rule game.
I will forever hate the Pats because of that,
They royally screwed my fav. team oakland out of the super bowl that year I will forever hate the pats and tom brady.
I dare someone to say their city has had it rougher than Cleveland
I can't even imagine.

Pittsburgh Penguins - Hmm, I guess the years between Mario and Sid. It could've been the team moving, but now that is fixed and a new arena is on its way

Pittsburgh Pirates - Terrible team, the lowest may have been Bream coming home and Bonds inability to make any type of throw. The team has sucked since, butwith such a nice ballpark it is hard to even notice.

Pittsburgh Steelers - Many "close calls" with Ben's accident, the 2005 playoffs against Indy and the fumble from Bettis, etc. But it all workedout and there really aren't that many bad memories of the Steelers in the last 40 years. Some years not as good as others, but almost always contending. Awesome

Pittsburgh has it pretty well with sports honestly. Could be a lot worse


i know we still won but what that did to the Astros was still felt last year, damn brad lidge
Losing 3 straight NFC championships
2003- Carolina 14 Philadelphia 3
2002- Tampa Bay 27 Philadelphia 10
2001- St. Loius 29 Philadelphia 24
What can I say but what if?


The one year we do make it


I truly despise thise man


Seeing this happen to my favorite player every year
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

worst day in Ravens history happened a couple weeks ago


but the worst day in Baltimore sports history:

Irsay moving the Colts in the middle of the night is easily number 1 around here...but you gotta add John Elway refusing to play here, since those 2events are connected

Honorable mention:
-Jeffrey Mayer reaching onto the field in that playoff game against the yankees
-trading Curt Schilling for Glenn Davis
-Angelos refusing to pull the trigger on the Beckett trade because he didn't want Mike Lowe
-Angelos in general
-signing Albert Belle and Sammy Sosa

-Abe Polin promising to never move the Bullets outside of Baltimore
-Reggie Lewis and Len Bias deaths
-Melo on the Stop snitching dvd and back peddling at the Garden
bmore...you might want to add the other two players in the glenn davis deal. Probably the worst trade of all time (in baseball). What about losing to theMiracle Mets of 69? Losing 30-3 against Texas this year? Or what about when the Mitchell Report listed 19 Orioles? I could go on...
The brawl at The Palace was considered low for the Pacers...but I enjoyed every moment of it.
Hated the suspensions though. That was our year.

As far as the Colts, getting punished by the Patriots over and over again, Mike Vanderfagt blowing that FG by a mile against the Steelers, or some of the olderlosses we had to the Steelers back in the day.
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