What was the last good deed you did?

This thread reminds me of http://niketalk.com/t/521638/acts-of-kindness-vol-spread-the-love

Last kind thing I did, on sat, I stopped someones daughter from getting electricuted. saw
the lil kid suckin on the metal end headphones. Im like, so. Not my kid. I usAlly
mind my biz, but then i saw her crawl to the power outlet
wit headphones in hand. Im watchin her for a sec like wtf
she doin? them im like, what am i doin , just watchin issh hit the fan.
i shut that situation down. not really a good deed, just doin whats required.
Good, bad, I don't/can't keep track. I'm just not cognizant of stuff like that all of the time, only the petty things i.e. holding the door for old ppl and women, picking up something for someone if they dropped it near me, etc.

Also there's the issue of things you should do and things that are actually good deeds.
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This thread makes me feel bad. I don't really have any money or time to donate though... I'll think of something

Don't feel bad man. Not everyone is able to give back. I've only recently been able to.
One thing I always do is donate clothes I don't wear/don't fit.
I own a computer repair store in Brooklyn, NY. After Hurricane Sandy, there were a lot of people who lost everything. So, I had a bunch of computers in the back of the shop, some working, some not. I took the time to repair/upgrade them all, I posted on Facebook telling people if they or someone they knew were in need of a functioning computer due to the disaster, to come to the store. I had about 15 people show up (I checked to see if they were posting about issues due to Sandy to ensure that no one was abusing the situation). All of them got free computers with windows 7/8, Microsoft Office, and Anti-Virus. One was lucky enough to get a MacPro Desktop I had sitting around. Accepted no tips, only thank-you's. Felt great man...:smile:
Pregnant lady was crying in the car in front of me coming out of the garage cause she didn't have enough cash to pay for her parking ($10) she only had $4,the parking attendant wasn't cutting her no slack. I got out of my car and paid her ticket and told her to keep the cash. Drove off feeling like a bawse
today my girlfriend and i took my dog out for a walk to the park as we were walking i saw a syringe on the grass, this park is next to an elementary school.

this park is always busy,mostly people doing recreational activities and kids playing...

 i looked around to see if i could maybe flag down a passing cop to dispose of it, i walked to the parking area and told my girl to stay by it.

luckily there were some paramedics chillin, i went up to them and asked if they have a container to get rid of bio hazardous waste, the girl told me yeah, and was looking at me crazy.

i explained to her that there is a syringe loaded with heroin and their expressions changed, they followed me and put gloves on and on the way i told them i didnt want a kid playing to step on it or someone emptying the trash to get poked by it, i told them sorry to have bothered them and they told me that i did the right thing by telling them.
Umm...I hold doors open for people everyday? :\

As long as you don't hold it for people extra far away from the door making them rush you're good :lol:

Gave a homeless man my gloves and sandwich. 

Nice, i gave a $1 to a homeless man, and $2 to a homeless woman for some taco bell. I assume the guy bought some meth or crack with the dollar though :\

That's why it's better to buy them food instead of simply giving them cash. They can't always control theirselves for their own good.
:smh: been way too long

Organized an event back in October to collect 500 lbs of canned food for the Alameda county food bank.

Jack $#@% since then >D
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