What to do at night in Seattle if you're not 18?

Originally Posted by VCXV

mann i just really read all the replys n thought about what i did in highschool at night being under 18, and nobody has mentioned what i think highschool kids love doing the most haha. CAUSE MISCHIEF man..besides peeing off the roof of the school..man we use to get people the WORST, go to like costco or winco and buy like 4 pounds of flour or shred up enough paper to fill like 3 garbage bags and just go dummp it all over someones yard-there is no way or chance they are getting flour or shredded paper out of their lawn haha, or go dominating (driving around in cars and just throwing things out the window i.e. eggs, pumpkins, pizzas) at oncomming cars or mailboxes or even people LOL, TP'ing, if you have any fireworks left over just light off an entire brick of black cats at like 4am on some random persons lawn, creep up right infront of someones house with big windows, turn on your highbeams, and just start layin it on the horn and honk til they come out completely confused and just drive off...hahah oh man..the sober fun we use to have in highschool. Im sure it'd be even more entertaining being blazed. I wouldn't go do all this drunk though unless your on foot..cause disturbing the peace is already risky enough, dont wana get caught by the po drunk and destroying property haha. have fun!
I've done some of those things, but there are a couple I will definitely try. Especially the one with the honking and the shreddedpaper.
if you wanna do something legal and cause no trouble, check out the laser shows at the pacific science center. http://www.seattlelaserdome.com/ even if you aren't into the music, you will still like it.

or if you like thrills, take a trip to the old western state sanitarium at night, a 30-40 min ride from seattle.
park at the pierce community college, and walk about 10 minutes into the park where the lake is. its scary, the most scariest physical place i've been to.
this place makes suicide bridge/martha washington/kabota gardens look like a joke

cycling at night is fun too, but that's just me.
Originally Posted by VCXV

mann i just really read all the replys n thought about what i did in highschool at night being under 18, and nobody has mentioned what i think highschool kids love doing the most haha. CAUSE MISCHIEF man..besides peeing off the roof of the school..man we use to get people the WORST, go to like costco or winco and buy like 4 pounds of flour or shred up enough paper to fill like 3 garbage bags and just go dummp it all over someones yard-there is no way or chance they are getting flour or shredded paper out of their lawn haha, or go dominating (driving around in cars and just throwing things out the window i.e. eggs, pumpkins, pizzas) at oncomming cars or mailboxes or even people LOL, TP'ing, if you have any fireworks left over just light off an entire brick of black cats at like 4am on some random persons lawn, creep up right infront of someones house with big windows, turn on your highbeams, and just start layin it on the horn and honk til they come out completely confused and just drive off...hahah oh man..the sober fun we use to have in highschool. Im sure it'd be even more entertaining being blazed. I wouldn't go do all this drunk though unless your on foot..cause disturbing the peace is already risky enough, dont wana get caught by the po drunk and destroying property haha. have fun!
yeah, sounds real fun u prepubescent lil *#$!%

i hope u get caught with the wrong person and blasted in the face with a shotty.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by VCXV

mann i just really read all the replys n thought about what i did in highschool at night being under 18, and nobody has mentioned what i think highschool kids love doing the most haha. CAUSE MISCHIEF man..besides peeing off the roof of the school..man we use to get people the WORST, go to like costco or winco and buy like 4 pounds of flour or shred up enough paper to fill like 3 garbage bags and just go dummp it all over someones yard-there is no way or chance they are getting flour or shredded paper out of their lawn haha, or go dominating (driving around in cars and just throwing things out the window i.e. eggs, pumpkins, pizzas) at oncomming cars or mailboxes or even people LOL, TP'ing, if you have any fireworks left over just light off an entire brick of black cats at like 4am on some random persons lawn, creep up right infront of someones house with big windows, turn on your highbeams, and just start layin it on the horn and honk til they come out completely confused and just drive off...hahah oh man..the sober fun we use to have in highschool. Im sure it'd be even more entertaining being blazed. I wouldn't go do all this drunk though unless your on foot..cause disturbing the peace is already risky enough, dont wana get caught by the po drunk and destroying property haha. have fun!
yeah, sounds real fun u prepubescent lil *#$!%

i hope u get caught with the wrong person and blasted in the face with a shotty.
Damn u mad? Pretty sure everyone had a phase where they did all that stuff
Originally Posted by de206

"...THE spot?" damn, is puyallup really that small that theres only one bubble tea spot?

not hating just curious.
naww. the best one just closed down.
aubstuh86...u mad doggie? did you just stay at home when you were in highschool and play with legos?
Like the post said, he's asking what people do/did when they were not over the age of 18. That was when i was 16-17..Im 21 now and
do i still do that *$%&? NO. But im glad I did when i did it, made some of the best danm memories of my life
with the cats from highschool that ill probably never see again. Im sorry I dont live up to your standards...
So So sorry. grow some balls dude..actin like youve never heard of TP'ing or egging before in your life or as if its a cardinal sin. smh.
Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

Man I hear bubble tea is what's hot for your age group.

hahaha man that was hot when i was in the 8th grade. that was like, 6 - 7 years ago? damn im gettin old.
Originally Posted by VCXV

aubstuh86...u mad doggie? did you just stay at home when you were in highschool and play with legos?
Like the post said, he's asking what people do/did when they were not over the age of 18. That was when i was 16-17..Im 21 now and
do i still do that *$%&? NO. But im glad I did when i did it, made some of the best danm memories of my life
with the cats from highschool that ill probably never see again. Im sorry I dont live up to your standards...
So So sorry. grow some balls dude..actin like youve never heard of TP'ing or egging before in your life or as if its a cardinal sin. smh.
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