!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Kanye is funny and has balls. People need to stop *****ing and enjoy the show. 1st George Bush, now this....He's pure comedy.
People were calling us !%#+%%* before Kanye so stop it. You live in Indiana so I'm sure you get called +%$@@+ everyday. Cut it out.

Too many dudes on they period today.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Wow. So after watching the video of Kanye's interruption, I will say this. Kanye is a reason why many people still use derogatory terms towards people of color. I don't care about country music or Taylor Swift but the girl has probably been working her entire LIFE for a moment like that and it gets ruined by this clown. Newsflash, Kanye. The majority of people that support you and buy your product are White. You lost fans and yes...$

Way to literally ruin your career...
Kanye is not a reason, people who use that derogatory term are gonna use that derogatory term. The people who draw for that term are the same people that are gonna use it for the nice black kid that helped them with the groceries. It pisses me off that anything a black man does weighs on the entire black population as opposed to just that man.
Doesn't bother me one bit. 95% of THOSE people already had that stance long before any tirade or get-back.
That's what i'm actually saying, what pisses me off is when black people seem concerned with those people and wan't almost justifytheir existence because of some guy's mistake.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Wow. So after watching the video of Kanye's interruption, I will say this. Kanye is a reason why many people still use derogatory terms towards people of color. I don't care about country music or Taylor Swift but the girl has probably been working her entire LIFE for a moment like that and it gets ruined by this clown. Newsflash, Kanye. The majority of people that support you and buy your product are White. You lost fans and yes...$

Way to literally ruin your career...
Kanye is not a reason, people who use that derogatory term are gonna use that derogatory term. The people who draw for that term are the same people that are gonna use it for the nice black kid that helped them with the groceries. It pisses me off that anything a black man does weighs on the entire black population as opposed to just that man.
Doesn't bother me one bit. 95% of THOSE people already had that stance long before any tirade or get-back.
thats what im saying. This has nothing to do with race. People act like this is the first time Kanye has done something like this. Its just hischaracter
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

What did Beyonce do?

Kanye: What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of %#!#!%' ##++@@!@. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need peoplelike me. You need people like me so you can point your %#!#!%' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy."

Thought it fitting.

Julius F. Wrek
Kanye wild out on that one. Why does MTV keep inviting him to the awards every year? and
at the people already deleting his music from their Ipods. Comeon now, Its not that serious.
Kanye is not racist. Dude is mentoring Mr. Hudson, and he's a white dude/Brit.

@ 'Ye. That was hilarious, yet heinous.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Kanye is not racist. Dude is mentoring Mr. Hudson, and he's a white dude/Brit.
At first I thought dude was black. Then I saw his video and I was like He ain't black?
@ dudes calling out other dudes about being emotional about this and whatnot, but from 808's to his past actions, to tonight, the messiah Kanye looksto be the one who's way too emotional and terry cloth.
Face it, this was a publicity stunt. Kanye can sell, and will always be able to. He needs to do things like this in his music carrer.
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