What phrases did your parents/grandparents use to say?

"Save your breath, you might need it one day" (shut up)

"If you're in for a dollar, you're in for a dime" (once you exchange money for you integrity, you're done)
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I am NOT your [f]ing playmate - Mom

Play with me, I'll cave your [f]ing chest in - Mom
my mom use to tell me the same thing
me:: momma im hungry
mom:: hey hungry my name is momma nice to meet you
Originally Posted by JWM

Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I am NOT your [f]ing playmate - Mom

Play with me, I'll cave your [f]ing chest in - Mom
my mom use to tell me the same thing
me:: momma im hungry
mom:: hey hungry my name is momma nice to meet you

Oh damn
Lol whenever my grandma sees someone in public looking terrible she says they look like "death on the corner eating garlic"
Or if someone super old, she'll say they have "one foot in the ground and the other on a banana peel"
"Gimme something to work with." (Needing silverware in order to eat.)
"Let the food stop your mouth."
"You drink more water than a horse."
Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

Oh my gulai
Bahala ka
Ay susmariosep
Do you want dah belt?
Da muu-muu will get you, sigeh

ders a moomoo in yor closset
my family's phrases were really situational
e.g-"If you dont get out that kitchen, imma beat the cowboy stew outta you!"
Originally Posted by JWM

Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I am NOT your [f]ing playmate - Mom

Play with me, I'll cave your [f]ing chest in - Mom
my mom use to tell me the same thing
me:: momma im hungry
mom:: hey hungry my name is momma nice to meet you
my grandpa says "davenport" instead of couch all the time, and "boulevard" instead of curb.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Get it together, buddy boy, or you're in for a ruuuuude awakening - Mom

I am NOT your [f]ing playmate - Mom

Play with me, I'll cave your [f]ing chest in - Mom

You [f]ers are gonna give me a nervous breakdown - Dad's mom

You obviously didn't think that thru - Dad

That boy's squeakin'!! - Dad [talkin' about my boy Mike who wore uniform pants that were too tight.....he said when he walked, his pants squeaked

A lot more...

Your mama was a gangsta! I love it
"We do this because we love you"

"Go get a switch! And not no damn little one"

"I'ma knock your teeth down your throat"

"Don't you raise your voice at me"

"Wait till yo daddy get home"

"Stop being a tattle tale"

"Shut up before I give you something to cry about!"
"Oh well, Tough titty" - Uncle Bobby
"You like em, I love em" - Mom
"If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the damn kitchen" - Mom

"Shut up or I'll give you something to cry about" - Mom
"Kill them with kindness" -Mom
"He's nuttier than squirrel turd" - Uncle Henny
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