What offense do you run? Vol Bump and Run...

Jul 18, 2012
I was with my brother and we started talking about how we use to pick up women and we were going back in forth with the stories...There was this one particular thing he use to do back in the day he phrased the “Bump & Run”...Basically the way it worked is he would spot a chick he would try to get at and accidentally bump into them somehow...and I’m not saying he knocking shorty all over and stuff but jus enuf to give a quick excuse me and a smile or wateva and keep it pushin...later on or wenever he would see the chick again he would bring up the bump and how sorry he was and he was in a rush blah blah blah...i with my own eyes seen this work at least once that I know about lmao...but he use to call it bump and run...it was hilarious!!
I've done that exact same thing while drunk. Bump into them and act like my arm is hurt. Most of the time they will look all concerned, then I hit them with "that was a bad accident, i might need to get your contact info" they usually laugh and i was too drunk to actually get their number.
My standard line is "what gym do you go to"
Other than that just basic convo stuff.
What’s your name?
Cool. I’m ______. Take my number And text me yours real quick.


What’s your name?
Cool, I’m _____. Put your number in my phone.
-hands her my phone

God is my witness I’ve never been told no when I go with the second approach and it’s been in my rotation since like 2012.
pickup lines? i dont do that peasant ****

What’s your name?
Cool. I’m ______. Take my number And text me yours real quick.


What’s your name?
Cool, I’m _____. Put your number in my phone.
-hands her my phone

God is my witness I’ve never been told no when I go with the second approach and it’s been in my rotation since like 2012.

in NYC? 1st line is pretty bad...2nd line will work with a lil more small talk.
I speak Japanese to them. They be confused and smile. Because im black. Then I repeat it in English. Get their info and move on.
If she staring at me, hit her with the “what the f**** are you looking at? You like what you see?”

Got say stuff to women, that warrants a “yes or no” answer. She knows I wanna smang so, cut to the chase. We grown
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Small talk while solo was the best option for me. I didn't have to put much thought into it and it was genuine so everything was organic.

I took a similar approach. I was an observational guy, I usually walk up to a girl and comment on something going on around us like "that dude's been standing there in the corner for an hour, what do you think he's up to?". Simple, easy conversation starter.

At the end of the day though, you can use all the tactics that you want, if she's not attracted to you is not going to work. Period.
“So do you ever date the customers?” has worked :lol:

Not for a bar obviously, but a store of some kind after small talk
Y’all are mad funny...I have a homie that did magic card tricks at parties and that had a really high success rate and we called it the Magic Offense lmao...or if you plan on getting at like 10 women in one night call it the run and gun offense..I know y’all got a million pick up lines lmao
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I've done that exact same thing while drunk. Bump into them and act like my arm is hurt. Most of the time they will look all concerned, then I hit them with "that was a bad accident, i might need to get your contact info"
Back in the day wen we wanted to run a play in hoop on the opposite side we called it twist at the end...since you said you were drunk...imma call that bump and run twist lol
in NYC? 1st line is pretty bad...2nd line will work with a lil more small talk.

Yeah it's worked the couple times I've tried it in the city. The first one is definitely the weaker of the two, but it's effective if you're trying to gauge whether a girl is really interested or not. She texts you, she's feeling you; she doesn't text you, she's not feeling you. Saves you some time if you're looking to weed through the joints that aren't talking about ****. :lol:

Speaking of NYC, whenever I'm out down here in Atlanta and a girl hears my accent or vice versa, it's a guarantee we're going to chop it up. Usually one of us will say "where you from?" A quick back and forth about what part of the city we're from, along with what we're both doing in Atl, and it's in the bag. "Put you number in my phone so we can get up."

I got no game. It's just some *****es understand my story. :lol:

If she staring at me, hit her with the “what the f**** are you looking at? You like what you see?”

Got say stuff to women, that warrants a “yes or no” answer. She knows I wanna smang so, cut to the chase. We grown

:rofl: ******* dead
When I been single, gurls would usually pick me up...benefits of being handsome.
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