What makes you instantly judge Someone?

Someone tried to take issue with me judging people (mainly women that I've dated) that didn't go to college but you guys judge people based on the brand of phone they use.

Men that wear flip flops in public
People who wear pajamas in public
Dudes that wear flip flops with no socks in public and got grotesque feet

Wear socks b
Someone tried to take issue with me judging people (mainly women that I've dated) that didn't go to college but you guys judge people based on the brand of phone they use.

Pretty sure you were serious.

Pretty sure the Phone talk is "tongue and cheek."
Body odor
heavy drug use
staying w/ a girl when you fight all the time
acting like you like something because its popular
Drinking Pepsi
Flaking on plans frequently
Not answering your phone

More later...

Pepsi > Coke
When I see grown *** men walking around with huge *** headphones around their necks like jewelry.

Dudes out here color coordinating their headphones with their clothes.
1. Last name
2. If they have a Patagonia vest
3. If their name is chad or thad
4. If they went to an Ivy League
5. If they have a dog
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