What is your favorite Nolan film that isn't titled "The Dark Knight"?

The Prestige is such a great flick
. I would probably like Inception more if HBO hadnt ruined it for me
Originally Posted by iYen

What did you guys like about Memento? I really liked that movie in terms of how the plot unfolded.
My fav. scene was when Guy Pearce figures out that his "friend" was setting him up.

To answer OP's question: I only seen about 3 of his movies so I'm going with Inception.
That part and the end where we find out he's basically a short term memory hitman since the dude he killed was not the dude he had initially sought revenge on and he just keeps repeating the same cycle over again.

The overall reverse format of the film was great.
Originally Posted by Janitor

Memento, by a mile, over the other non-Batfilms.

Inception: meh. Some great pieces/scenes here and there, but overall didn't find it to be a great movie
The Prestige aka Batman vs Wolverine: found it to be too gimmicky with all the (predictable) twists in turns by the end of it
Ignoring what you said about Inception how was The Prestige predictable?
Spoiler [+]
I can honestly say the first time I watched it I did not suspect Alfred to actually be two ppl that were twins living half of the same life nor that the dude's silent stage assistant was the twin.

Nothing was predictable about Danton killing off the copies every time he did the Real Transporting man either. I mean that alone was a mind $$+@ in itself. I mean he was either the original until the end somehow tricking his copies to go through doing the set up of the trick without telling them how it worked or that they would die or after killing the first copy he died the first time doing the trick publicly or his copies were somehow as dedicated to beating Alfred so badly they were willing to die to pull of the trick.
Inception beats out The Prestige by a small margin.  I think I liked Inception more than TDK though.

Not my favourite of his but a lot of people probably haven't seen this. It's his first movie and an interesting watch. 
Originally Posted by Backirvine


Not my favourite of his but a lot of people probably haven't seen this. It's his first movie and an interesting watch. 
Tried watching on Netflix and it bored me. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
I'd say Memento, but I can't just watch that movie.
That movie begs you to give it complete attention, and I got too much ADD to be throwin that around all the time.

So The Prestige.
The Prestige for sure. My favorite Nolan movie by far. 
Got to watch Memento one of these days.
I want to say Inception.

But damb if Memento doesn't mind F me each and everytime I watch it. I hate it and love it at the same time. Each time I watch it I notice something different.
Has to be Inception, it's one of my fav movies ever.

I consider Memento and The Prestige to be classics too and Insomnia was a pretty good movie too. All in all Nolan is one of my favorite directors. I have yet to see a disappointing film from him. TDKR can't come soon enough.
Got to say the Prestige, although I did not understand the end of the movie (if someone wants to explain, I will gladly read).  Also have to say the Batman Begins, I went and saw this on a whim and can still watch it today without hesitation....
Originally Posted by lynchpin33

Got to say the Prestige, although I did not understand the end of the movie (if someone wants to explain, I will gladly read).  Also have to say the Batman Begins, I went and saw this on a whim and can still watch it today without hesitation....
Alfred (Bale's character) was two ppl, twin brothers Albert and Fredrick, they both shared the same life. That's how they pulled off the Transporting Man trick. One loved the wife, the other fell in love with Scarlet's character. While one was Alfred the other was the silent assistant in makeup. The one that loved Scarlet's character died in prison for the death of Danton (Jackman's character). Danton was on some Count of Monte Cristo %$!% cuz in reality his name wasn't Algeir or w/e and he wasn't from America. He was from England and from nobility, his name was really Lord Cobblepot or something. He framed Fredrick for his death which was actually one of his copies that was created by the machine Tesla made for him. In the end, Albert reveals the truth to Danton, shoots him, and burns down his house or storage area where he keeps all his magic tricks, and takes his daughter back with the help of Danton's former stage assistant (Michael Caine's character).

Feel free to ask any questions.
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