what is the hype about macbooks, etc?

I'm currently weighing whether to buy 1) a macbook or 2) a dell studio laptop + an acer aspire one netbook..

I think if a Mac floats your boat, why not? Who cares if it's a bit more expensive (when comparing system specs for equivalent pc ones) if you like theease of use and the better looks..
1299 May seem like a lot, but they are killing any PC laptop thats close in that price range. They've added the NVidia cards, the best battery life, all have Wireless N, Bluetooth, slot loading DVD, Fastest Processor, and Fastest OS.

Considering I paid $479 for my asus that has bluetooth, wireless N, minimized XP, and 7 hours of battery life...Where does paying the 1200 come in handy?

I have no problems with Apple, but they arent changing! They update the cases, they update the lights, they update the materials, but they dont upgrade to themarket! PC notebooks have had Nvidia cards, multi core processors, and wireless N/bluetooth. Hell, companies like MSI, Asus, and Dell are making8" ultra portables with all the new browsing tech for $300!

Apple still has the same ol' gear with the same ol' prices.



Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT


now thats the stupidest thing i've seen this week....
most people dont realize it, but they like macs for there simplicity

and most college kids just want a macbook TO HAVE A MACBOOK...
i take my 17 inch macbook pro to class, but its also my video editing/presentation machine so I can justify.. somewhat
AT one point Macs did run audio/video editing software better. Mostly because much of that software was intended for use on Macs.
However, as of today, Macs are no better than cheaper custom built PC's on any benchmark.
Originally Posted by sunny559

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT


now thats the stupidest thing i've seen this week....
most people dont realize it, but they like macs for there simplicity

and most college kids just want a macbook TO HAVE A MACBOOK...
i take my 17 inch macbook pro to class, but its also my video editing/presentation machine so I can justify.. somewhat
Originally Posted by seaner23

in my opinion it's just hype. don't get me wrong i give apple TONS of credit for their marketing and taking advantage of all the hype around it. i've used mac and windows..to me they're about the same. mac's seem to be a little more "flashy" (for lack of a better word). but i actually prefer windows. i just like the fact that i know when i buy something (software/hardware etc.) that it's gonna work out of the box. i don't want to have to convert this and download that to make it work.

the reason people are all so hyped up about their mac stuff is well....they paid twice as much as the windows dude sitting right next to them, so they have to in some way justify that...so they start jumping up and down proclaiming that mine is better than yours and you're a loser because you have just a regular old laptop while i have a MACBOOK!!!! then 10 people see/hear that and run out and buy a mac, cause they wanna be cool too. then 10 more see them proclaiming how wonderful it is, so they go out, next thing you know you've got a whole campus full of idiots (who for the most part are spending mom and dads money so they don't care about the price) running around with their macs.

IF mac made an entry level laptop...around $300-$400 like the entry level windows machines then for the money a mac is probably a better investment. they do make real high quality machine and they don't have many glitches. but for the premium...medium line, high powered windows machine $600-$700 > entry level mac for $1,000...
I disagree. I made the switch not too long ago and feel like I got what I paid for. Nearly everything I disliked about my Compaq laptop that Ibought for like $1300 in 2003 was solved by buying my MacBook for roughly the same price. I was able to get a webcam, so I can talk to my friends that went todifferent schools and your average webcam costs you like $50 that's about equal to the isight. I wanted good battery life (up to like 7 with wireless off,which is better than most, like 4-5 with it on) because I want to be able to take it anywhere with me and never worry about charging it. I also wanted the bestwireless out because of my downloading habits and I hate moving through the house with cords to keep up with and I wanted a pretty big hard drive (160GB)because I download a lot of music and movies and video editing and some photo editing stuff. I wanted built in bluetooth so I can sync it between my phonewirelessly and bluetooth interact with other computers. I wanted a dvd burner also. I wanted it to be everything to be simple and easy to understand and I hadheard that Vista was having alot of problems. I also wanted my computer to be a lot quiter and I actually looked into new fans for my last one and I can rarelyhear my macbook. Add the fact that Macs rarely get viruses and crash, how quickly they go to sleep and wake back up and how convienently built the charger is,it was a really easy decision to with a MacBook that I don't regret.

EDIT: Plus I always use mine on my lap whenever I'm watching tv and they very rarely (if ever) overheat.
yeah I am not too happy with vista.....I heard employees that work for Apple, do not use Vista, they use XP because Vista has too many bugs or something.
I was leaning on gettin a windows laptop for college but im really impressed by these new macbooks that came out recently.
"Really, the #1 reason why Macs are rumoured to last longer is because most malicious script/code writers don't care about and/or use Macs. Plus a fewother hidden variables. There are less Mac users compared to PC users, and as sad as it is, a lot of Mac users are more computer-literate than a lot of PCusers. (College students compared to soccer moms and kids in their early teens.) "


I train people how to use computers and more people find it easier to use a PC than a MAC. More people are comfortable to use a PC even when it comes toclosing out a window. (why some can't tell the difference between an "X" in the corner of the screen and a red button that when scrolled over,turns to an "X" is one example.)

Macs have always been more suited towards those who edit (film, photos, and music) or more of an artistic form of computer work. That is one of the problemswith vista since windows tried to create an operating system that compared to macs operating system. I know how to use both avid and Final Cut and final cut isfar superior of a film editing software than avid.
There's a bunch of reasons. Macs were originally carried by a/v pros, photogs, media people in general, and other creative professionals who made them"cool.". They took a lot of appealing external designs from other companies(especially Sony)and made a great looking laptop. Then they put together agreat advertising scheme. It's also a status symbol to some people because there is no real cheap MacBook. Combine all that, and that's why they'reso hyped up.

Currently, there's no real reason to have a regular MacBook other than the hype, unless you really love the OS. It's just not worth the price. You canget better computers for less money from other companies. Most of the things that the original professionals used on MacBooks are only capable with MBPs now.
I have had my macbook pro for a year and 2 month. I put it through hell, drop it, never clean it, look at ton of porn, and what not, still works like the day Igot it... Nuff said
Like it's been said:

- Macs (esp after OSX), were championed by creative people. Music producers, designers, filmmakers all used them, even back when they were still ugly greyboxes. Since most of these people are the main vehicles for most of the trends you see today, it's natural that their choice of machine eventually trickleddown to the masses.

- Steve Jobs changed the game with the emphasis on design (see first iMac), and created machines that were specifically targeted toward the regular consumer.Keep in mind that most computers back then (and honestly still today) are pretty much business machines that were made relevant to consumers with onlysoftware. Apple products are designed to be consumer oriented on all levels from hardware, OS, software.

- Associating hype with Macs can be a fair assumption, just as you can do the same with consumers of Nike products. OG consumers of both brands can probablycite specific, valid reasons as to why they were the early adopters. Most recent consumers of both brands probably couldn't, and only consume productsbased off "cool factor" and decisions based more of form than function.

Straight up and down, I was a Mac user when they looked like mini-iceboxes, pre-hard drive. I rode with them for a while, til ditching for Windows machines inthe 90's. Since, I've owned about 9 laptops over the years, and the two of 'em have been Macs(Powerbook 1.67, Macbook Pro), and they've beenthe best machines I've ever owned. They're far from perfect, but they're as close to perfection that a manufacturer can create at this point intime that combines great design and engineering, and an operating system DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE HARDWARE IT RUNS ON.
The only thing macbook has over windows laptops is their charger. It is pretty small and compact compared to like HP.
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