What is the hardest thing about your job?

I work in a large accounting firm myself and to me it’s teaching the staff. Especially the ones who are unmotivated and are unresponsive. Like why the **** am I wasting my time even explaining this to you when you have no respect for my time and effort when I legit want to teach you something.

everything else is water under the bridge.
Controller here. I love the job and people I work with. Tbh the most difficult part is my boss, the owner. Only prob I have is constantly having to tell the mf’er to stop spending company money on personal ****. Then ask dumbass questions like why there isnt the amt of money in the bank like he thought? Well dude you just spent 7 stacks at Brioni.

Very frustrating with this dude
Finding new ways to delegate a majority of my work to my subordinates then pretend like I’m busy. Actually more work than some think
besides the commute.. the work itself is very boring and I can get my job finished in 2 hours so I'm stuck just stretching my work out until the end of the day...it doesn't help that my coworkers are terrible... they are just not friendly where you can have a conversation with them...
I'm working at Stanford Hospital as an RN. Really sick people there (other hospitals send us their patients if it's too complicated for them). Had somebody pull out a line that goes to their heart today, was a bloodbath. They audit like crazy. Love my job though
I'm working at Stanford Hospital as an RN. Really sick people there (other hospitals send us their patients if it's too complicated for them). Had somebody pull out a line that goes to their heart today, was a bloodbath. They audit like crazy. Love my job though
Which one??? Palo Alto???
The fact that most of the people I work with are terrible at their jobs. I am caught up on my work but some people are so far behind I’ve been asked to help em out. It gets tiring getting asked to step up for others ineptitude.
Controller here. I love the job and people I work with. Tbh the most difficult part is my boss, the owner. Only prob I have is constantly having to tell the mf’er to stop spending company money on personal ****. Then ask dumbass questions like why there isnt the amt of money in the bank like he thought? Well dude you just spent 7 stacks at Brioni.

Very frustrating with this dude

Had a boss who *****ed about company not making money and said there was no money for raises all while charging everything on company card. Dude, keeps spending on travel and expensive meals while everyone is bustin their ***
Traffic to and from is the worst ...when I get there I mind my business and stay out the way so it’s pretty smooth
I work with kids with autism.
hardest part is staying patient, 98% of the time the behaviors are caused by the family not following program/exercises while we're not there. I work with 3 families, all 3 mom's in their early 20's and living it that way, acting like the kid doesn't need extra attention/help.
Human Resources

My job is fairly easy to be honest. Very rarely am I in a situation that’s “hard” or “challenging”

Id say my most difficult thing thats actually work related is Open Enrollment. That can be a headache.

Non work related is the ******* gossip man. Im a super social guy but at work I turn that **** off, but due to my position I still have to be very welcoming. That opens doors for people to want to bring me all type of information that I have zero care for.

And my personal difficult thing is like others said, getting up and going. Idk, I go to work and Im just there sometimes. Im good at my job, it pays well, but I just know I got a bigger calling than sitting at this desk and solving other peoples problems..Idk I’ll figure it out soon enough though.
Yup. I'll be at the new hospital when it opens too
Heard it opened already
A coworker at my hospital
His wife works at Stanford
Said there was some walk around opening thing
Heard y’all gotta take the back way during breaks at the new place
Cause they don’t want workerjust walking around who ain’t working
I work with kids with autism.
hardest part is staying patient, 98% of the time the behaviors are caused by the family not following program/exercises while we're not there. I work with 3 families, all 3 mom's in their early 20's and living it that way, acting like the kid doesn't need extra attention/help.

I worked with autistic teens in college for 3 years. One of the best jobs that I had. It taught me so much about myself as a person and changed my outlook on a lot of things. I can honestly say those kids made me a better person.
Heard it opened already
A coworker at my hospital
His wife works at Stanford
Said there was some walk around opening thing
Heard y’all gotta take the back way during breaks at the new place
Cause they don’t want workerjust walking around who ain’t working
Theres a childrens hospital that opened recently, but they have a brand new hospital and renovating the old one. They pushed opening day back from Oct. 27th to later now.
I don't go nowhere for breaks, 15 minutes when your on the clock ain't nothing.
Theres a childrens hospital that opened recently, but they have a brand new hospital and renovating the old one. They pushed opening day back from Oct. 27th to later now.
I don't go nowhere for breaks, 15 minutes when your on the clock ain't nothing.
What union are u guys???
Hardest part is getting there. Once I'm there I'm gucci, other than having to deal with clown ***, incel Trump supporters every day.

But from the time I wake up until I'm physically in my car, I'm constantly thinking about staying home. Hell, there have been a few times I called in from the parking lot. :lol:
Commuting and its not even that bad. Drive to El Cerrito, BART to SF, walk about 15-20 minutes. Then do it again in reveres to go home.

Work itself is easy af.
Commuting and its not even that bad. Drive to El Cerrito, BART to SF, walk about 15-20 minutes. Then do it again in reveres to go home.

Work itself is easy af.
Unless there’s a bart delay :lol:
Think someone got hit at Powell station today
So they stopped service for a while
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