What is stopping you from being even better? vol. WE GOTTA DO BETTER!!

I am a jack of all trades but king of none. I am pretty good at everything but I haven't found something I really shine at.
I'm too good for the job I have now. I can do it in my sleep. But I'm not good enough to get promoted.
Don't know if anything made sense but thanks for listening.
I am a jack of all trades but king of none. I am pretty good at everything but I haven't found something I really shine at.
I'm too good for the job I have now. I can do it in my sleep. But I'm not good enough to get promoted.
Don't know if anything made sense but thanks for listening.

makes perfect sense cause i know dat feel lol

also, im comfortable. i only want to pursue my dreams when i hate work, workload is heavy or pressured. i have long term visions but after a week or two i need a break, do something unproductive then og plan fizzles off. might pick it up in a couple weeks then same process again.
Would I be a bum if I said school?

But yeah,
A shorty
Insufficient funds

Sadly, I can't change 2 of those 3.
Its like i know who i want to be, what i need to do and how to do it but i find myself easily side tracked or distracted. Gotta stay focused! I'm 27 now and i want to be fully content with my life by 30
Myself. The 2 main things for me are procrastination & being comfortable. I have a stable job (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM M-F) that pays but doesn't pay well enough. It's come to the time where I've been working here long enough & don't see any progression or advancement in the company. I'm very good at what I do to the point I have too much free time at work. This gives me a sense of security but I over rely on it (if that makes sense). It's time I stop making excuses and make change for the better.
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It was not understanding, I mean truly understanding, that this is the only life I have... I dont believe in the afterlife.. Maybe reincarnation but who knows... Knowing that here and now is all I have, makes me so invigorated to just Go.... I'm ready to live my vision, I dont know what its going to come out to be, but I know its going to be my version of my perfect reality..

A death in my family took a huge blow to my moral, so that kept me confused for a few years... << My holding back point, plus whats mentioned above, and I used to use a lot of blame...
Over analyzing everything 


And the job market (or lack thereof).
Being tired/lazy of studying for this credential I'm trying to get...the material is vast and my memory isn't the best.

Fixing my resume to find a job I like more.
being balanced is "stopping" me at work. Had some honest discussions with my boss about load balancing my projects, and it was surprisingly tough to do on my part. At a certain point though, had to do an honest evaluation prioritizing life outside of work and in the office. The chance of an additional 5-10% bonus and a shiny plaque isn't enough to sacrifice happiness at home. I'm not quitting or performing poorly at work by no means.
It might not relate to younger famb who are dedicated to grinding right now, but getting "better" at life becomes a marathon not a sprint. Take time to look around you and enjoy the view while also looking ahead and planning your pace.
don't know if i'm just making excuses for myself, but lately i haven't been comfortable with my current situation so i can't produce properly...
myself. lack of motivation and drive. lack of confidence at times. waiting for something to fall into my hands. :rolleyes im honestly working on all of these, reaching to better myself but something always gets in my way. im not even tryna make excuses, something legit always sets me back but i'm working on staying positive..:rolleyes
Answer for every single person in this thread is "yourself". Nothing more, nothing less.
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