What is reality? vol. wisdom of Joe Rogan

joe rogan x joey diaz =
Yessir...Joe Rogan is sick..Anyone see that podcast with Immortal Technique?
The Joe Rogan Experience is one of my favorite shows. I listen every time he has a scientist or something on. I can do without the MMA guys for the most part though.

Joe is no dummy. He's very smart and reads a lot of stuff.
Joe Rogan is that dude. I don't even listen to music anymore. Just Joe Rogan and a few other podcasts.
Joe Rogan is that dude. I don't even listen to music anymore. Just Joe Rogan and a few other podcasts.

i zone out all the time as soon as I put JRE on. During cooking, working, running etc. Just very entertaining.

I love the "average Joe" perspective and questions hes asks the astro physicists and stuff. Cracks me up.
probably not, at least considering the ones we are in contact with the most, the greys, want to abduct and harm us.

actually the greys are pretty harmless. there are some that wants to wreck **** on earth but the higher ups pretty much has all those entities on lock.

"THIS" is all easy to understand but very difficult to grasp to a lot of people.
actually the greys are pretty harmless. there are some that wants to wreck **** on earth but the higher ups pretty much has all those entities on lock.

"THIS" is all easy to understand but very difficult to grasp to a lot of people.
How is "all of this" easy to understand? 
Where does the "other" dimension come in play with he shape shifters?

I need some FauxLivia in my life. :smokin
How is "all of this" easy to understand? 

think of it this way. if you tell a 5th grader that he's going to one day have a full time job, get married, pay bills, taxes, have kids...he simply won't understand what you are talking about.

this is where we are in our level of understanding. our brains cannot understand more than what is given regarding the universe because we are not suppose to. thats why they will never find the "missing link" or understand how the universe works. these answers will be available for us after we dip from here...well for those that makes it out of here alteast.
think of it this way. if you tell a 5th grader that he's going to one day have a full time job, get married, pay bills, taxes, have kids...he simply won't understand what you are talking about.

this is where we are in our level of understanding. our brains cannot understand more than what is given regarding the universe because we are not suppose to. thats why they will never find the "missing link" or understand how the universe works. these answers will be available for us after we dip from here...well for those that makes it out of here alteast.
I think a 5th grader would understand all of those.. You are definitely right about not being understand the "universe" and the point of it all.. What made me think was when Joe Rogan said that our understanding of the universe is only based on what we "see"... I've always found it amazing how an "observer" can change the "behaviour" of something...
I think a 5th grader would understand all of those.. You are definitely right about not being understand the "universe" and the point of it all.. What made me think was when Joe Rogan said that our understanding of the universe is only based on what we "see"... I've always found it amazing how an "observer" can change the "behaviour" of something...

ok maybe a 2nd grader would be a better example. the point is, they will get the concept but they wont understand it like a grown person would. also check out the double slit experiment its in reference to the observer changing the behavior or something, pretty dope things.

theres many places to go in the universe, step one is getting out of this prison planet first before we can even scratch the surface of whats our there. thats what i mean by "this" is easy to understand. do what you gotta do here and move on
ok maybe a 2nd grader would be a better example. the point is, they will get the concept but they wont understand it like a grown person would. also check out the double slit experiment its in reference to the observer changing the behavior or something, pretty dope things.

theres many places to go in the universe, step one is getting out of this prison planet first before we can even scratch the surface of whats our there. thats what i mean by "this" is easy to understand. do what you gotta do here and move on
I have seen the double slit experiment and left with a whole bunch of questions.. My conclusion after: No one knows what the f*** is going on.. 
 We can pretend that we know, but in reality, we do not..That is why I enjoy listening to Joe Rogan, no matter how redundant he is sometimes, it still makes me think.. One time he got me when he said, "We are literally floating right now..Look up at the night sky and that's infinity..." 
Rogan is cool but when you listen to him enough he starts to get sort of repetitive.

He always repeats the same exact schpiel with all of his guests. Instead of letting them speak he always steers the conversation to the same **** he always talks about (psychedelic drugs, aliens, his 'fart' theory, etc)

Wish he would come up with something new or switch it up for once. The best podcasts are the ones like the Freeway Rick Ross where he just lets the guest speak about their experiences.
Rogan is funny and says a lot of insightful stuff.

But he contradicts himself sometimes. And is mad repetitive and very preachy
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Rogan is great.

He's good to follow on twitter too...posts a lot of interesting things.
All these people talking about greys and shape shifters and **** im just like... ***** what?

Anyways, regardless of how you view Joe you can't say the dude doesn't challenge you to think.
The Joe Rogen Experience is one of the best radio programs out there. Those that think he is a tool just associate him with ufc and have no idea his mind is like a steel trap and his thirst for knowledge is far greater than most. No homo.
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