What is it about Kat Von D that people find sexy?

She be looking good sometimes

she looked better on miami ink when she had meat on her. she seems extremely annoying tho, type of person that constantly name drops her famous friends. word to ben baller.
drugs, plastic surgery, bad dye job.

if she continues on this route an amber lamps is not far away.
She was better with dark hair. Now she looks gross. So does the receptinist flgirl wtb those abdolutlety yorrible teeth
If she didn't haveall the tatoos and stayed a brunette and dressed with class she could be good. 

She is just disgusting with all those tatoos though.
She USE to look good.

Her hair and weight changes have dropped her overall appearance.
How are you guys going to say that OP posted a bad picture which was at an event and then proceed to post Photoshop cartoons?
Like mentioned by other members I thought she looked good before, not amazingly sexy, but good. That recent pic you posted op is horrible, she looks bad now.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Like mentioned by other members I thought she looked good before, not amazingly sexy, but good. That recent pic you posted op is horrible, she looks bad now.

yeah she fell off.
Is that the most recent pic of her? Had no idea she went blond.

I met Kat Von D at one of her signings and aside from the way she looks, she was super nice and just seemed like an all around good person to kick it with. It really makes you look past the tattoos and everything.....if that matters to people or not.
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