What is a better shooting form?

i think it depends on what kind of player u are. if u get a lot of your jumpshots from off of spotups, then form a will work for u. if you get a lot of yourshots in a more dynamic fashion, constantly off of movement, screens or pullups a la kobe, Tmac, then form b will serve u better
There are so many great shooters in the NBA, I think it's all about whatever works best for the individual.
God Glenn Rice's shot was pretty.

I'm more of a B, but I aint much of a shooter, but when I teach my kids, it will be like that. Why not keep the ball high, it forces the elbow in, plus itsharder to block, and off the dribble it comes more naturally so there is not any variation in form from spot up, to pulling up.
I'm more of a B, but I aint much of a shooter, but when I teach my kids, it will be like that.

how old are they? i dunno, most little kids dont have the strength to shoot like that. i taught/coached a lot of little kids before, and most of them havetrouble shooting like that. i just show them how to hold the ball with one hand on the side, and tell them to shoot with one hand instead of pushing with twolike most kids do. maybe around 10-11 is when i bring that in

anyways i shoot more above the head. i dont see how anyone can shoot from their face and get a good rotation. you need to be able to bring it up so your wristis at 90 degrees, so when you snap your wrist forward the ball comes out properly
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

I'm more of a B, but I aint much of a shooter, but when I teach my kids, it will be like that.

how old are they? i dunno, most little kids dont have the strength to shoot like that. i taught/coached a lot of little kids before, and most of them have trouble shooting like that. i just show them how to hold the ball with one hand on the side, and tell them to shoot with one hand instead of pushing with two like most kids do. maybe around 10-11 is when i bring that in

anyways i shoot more above the head. i dont see how anyone can shoot from their face and get a good rotation. you need to be able to bring it up so your wrist is at 90 degrees, so when you snap your wrist forward the ball comes out properly

Hopefully they ain't got no age, unless theres something oneof these girls isn't tellin me.... I'm just sayin when I have kids, when I'm a dad, then I will teach them B once they are old enough.

But from the sounds of it, youre doing it right, only shooting with one hand puts them miles ahead already.
Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

Ray Allen's is actually a bit unorthodox in the way he sort of swings it above his head in one-motion...that's why you never see anyone who shoots like him...it's extremely fluid and smooth though so most people find it very good looking.
yeah he shoots in a sort of motion/flow. and it's quick as **%%.
I personally shoot above the head because it's harder to block and I usually get a higher arch to my shot.
i used both but mostly A. Sometimes when I feel I'm in danger of getting blocked my body automatically switches to B and it is usually more effective but Icant lose my A habit
It seems I start off shooting B, but switch to A as I get tired.

A is unorthodox to the "ideal" shooting stance, isn't it?
i do form A but I'm trying to go to form B. I've been blocked a couple times before when I was tired, and one of my bad habits is I tend to push theball so my arms would flail forward instead of upward making it easier for it to be blocked. so i'm trying to switch it up to form B but once I get tired igo back to A and my bad shooting habits.
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