What if i said Taylor Swift is 9/10 material & her > most females that NTers beast on

Jan 14, 2006
Im getting the impression from some people that Taylor Swift is the close to perfection type.

Without going overboard, how high would you rank Taylor Swift. discuss qualities if needed

everything about her is perfect.
from beauty to attitude to talent. not a single flaw
she would make a good housewife....like stay home and raise the kids, cook and clean, and be content with it.
at her arms in that first pic

Shes bad tho I would demolish that. Shes a 9/10. Only knock on her is her weight
@ 5!

She's attractive, but she doesn't have any sex appeal--probably because her core audience is <15.
i dont think shes 9/10 personally
she attractive tho......i guess
it doesnt look like she has too much of a body tho
I still dont even know who this chick is. Ive heard the name Taylor Swift before but I always thought it was some dude. Any way shes not a 9/10 in my book
>>>>>>>>> Taylor Swift
She aite... Not really cute IMO... Shes too skinny too... Honestly she looks like an average white chick to me....
Beauty is subjective, so everyone will have different opinions. In my opinion, she is cute in a girl next door type of way. She can be pretty.

I know I will get flamed for this since NT loves her, but I also think Hayden is average at best. Glamming it up and make up does wonders for herthough.Don't see why some men rave about her. But then again, when it comes to female celebrities, I tend to think the exotic looking type tend to be themost attractive.
man *%%% taylor swift. something about her just doesn't sit right with me. i'm black and whenever i hear her music or see her on tv i just get racistfor some reason. i swear something just isn't right with her. I was reading about this up and coming white supremecist leader who kept talking about howmuch he loved taylor swift and how she was such a cool person. i just don't know.
She's alright.

If she wasn't famous, she'd just be an average-looking girl.

That first pic makes her look downright awful.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy


nothing special

She's not close to a perfect 10, but 5?? 5 is average, you saying the average woman looks like her? I'd say her attractiveness is slightly aboveaverage, 7 sounds about right.
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