What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The list of why black women can't get black men is a long one

-He doesn't have enough money
-He aint a baller
-He's too short
-He's gay
-He likes white girls

I'm not blaming black women for their "plight" so to speak, but I'm curious as to if there's anything they think they could do differently to keep a black man---I want a female perspective

But heres the thing the so called plight really isnt a plight or fight at all. Add to the fact they always have a safety net. A get out of jail free card if you will. And that card is fiscal opportunites, favorable preference from a general aspect (jobs social acceptance etc) , judicial and govt backing, And the approval thumbs up from the mass majority. This is fact. The days of comming together, collectivity, etc are gone and replaced with fiscal and social acceptance and security. 

Key examples name all of the most prominant and socially accepted black woman of this generation. Almost all of them are single. And have no affiliations with black men. Look at oprah winfrey. She was married and had a husband who was devoted and supported her tried and true. But it was the oh " you should leave him, he is intimidated by your success" , " he isnt of caliber social/fiscal level that you are" Oh he just with you for the limelight fame. Despite he was down with her she chose the social acceptance of the majority. And overlooked his core values, his beliefs and the goodness of who he was as a man, because none of those qualities equal money. None of those traits win over the hearts of all mainstream. And add to that the oh if he isnt on a certain status echelon, from society and the majorities point of view, its not in your best interest to have any dealings with him. 

Mattter fact name any highly successful black women in the so call safe-zone, socially accepted that deals with the average everyday black man? Hell plenty of black men do it. You always here the stories of the successful black man who hooks up marry the black women from the hood. Or not of certain financial/social status as he is. How often do you hear it in the opposite?

You hear the famous athlete/rapper/business mogul, etc... black man marry the black woman who may not have the social status/education success he has accomplished. Hardly ever hear it the other way around. Despite all that those black men marry/hook up with those black women because who they are as a person and not what they are as a person.

Lets be real here. It is more likely than not Tyler Perry to marry a average woman, who he loves and cares for for who she is. Over a Rhianna dating marrying a guy she loved in the past who is good and kind to her, but is mearly a school counselor, or head janitor, or a factory operator.

Its funny how stats and all that is the be all to some ppl. It doesnt accurately depict real day-to-day life and experiences. I also ind it funny who it is portrayed that black men are superfiscal etc... Yet i hardly hear guys say oh i couldnt date her cause she didnt go to a certain school, work a certain job, dress a certain way, drive a certain car. Hell a black man is more incline to date marry a put together, overall good black women working as head cashier at subway, versus a well to do black women marrying a good hardworking honest black man who is head foreman/ at a distribution center making $15 an hour.

Lets not be stupid and ignorant and throw facts out. We all know this to be true. Its a better chance drake would marry a average everyday girl that was the love of his life, then a latoya luckett marrying good ole hard-working daquan who treats her like gold, but works on the assembly line at gm. And only has a high school diploma and maybe a year in college.

i say this all the time about women....its all about status

Thats mainly because of back in the day thats all that was equated as far as the worth of a black man. Black man=workhorse, social status, lesser than equal, substandard. The emphasis and importance of a black man socially, his influence and input in the development of children etc is never discussed and is never talked about. Look at the images on tv. Name just one, one image of a prominant black male, father figure image in movies, tv, music etc. Id say in maybe the last 25-30yrs? Hell even talk shows etc dont emphasize or speak of the importance of fathers. Well not black ones atleast. So if all you see/hear is a certain thing 24/7 week after week month after month year after year all day everyday. Despite what you may come out of ppl mouths etc, the truth or as it is often said proof is in the pudding.

Someone committed on ppl of position try to help with the struggles help resolve these issues. Well answer me this name one just one prominent, socially accepted big wig black woman who has did or supported any issues/causes that directly deal with black men? Hell oprah been on tv damn near 30 yrs, maybe 1000+ episodes addressing everything from war on drugs, death of princess di, to picking out pairs of shoes for poodles. Not a single airing show comment, about the importance, of males in particularly black males/fathers in the community. 

Yea shes does alot of charitable works etc. Name one cause she has ever done in the raising/uplifting of black men. Hell every person she has ever lifted up, or use her social status to help come up in the world has been, just about every walk of life except black men. Matter fact if you notice, she rarely even had black men on her show. And if she did they were either gay, subject to ridicule/ostracizing, or socially accepted get the thumbs up for mainstream america. She has lifted up the likes of dr phil, dr oz, nate berkus, rachel ray, her friend gale so on and so forth. All average everyday whites and black women. In 30 yrs not a single black man. 

Ok she supported obama which is true, but it was only after social acceptance and the green light from mainstream america ala whites. When he first came around she was kinda against him and was all on the hiliary clinton bandwagon. And her whole excuse was im not sure who he is and not familiar with him. Ok that would fly and id buy that if you wasnt a heavy participant in govt. and in the community. And guess what that community is? Yep you guessed it chicago.   

I think its admiral for the beyonces, the oprahs, the halle berry's, etc help the community and strive to make the world and lives around them better. Its just i find it odd that they do this for all facets of life except for the everyday black man. Yea its cool they give money to spellman etc... But how bout lending a helping hand to morehouse? I think its cool you go door-to-door and give the struggling single mom a new car, renovate her house... etc. But in the same breath why couldnt said acts be done for that black man?

Yea support the single mother coalition and angel food ministries, but why not also the 100 black men of atlanta, the big brothers program, the international brothers of electrician workers. Things like this, in many instances have black males like oh im an outcast, a degenerate if you will. And despite my back against the wall, the defaming, the male bashing, and the lack of support, and the negative stereotypes that you support. The black man once reaching some sort of social/finance status is suppose to wash all that away and say, despite all that ill be with you all is forgotten because your this prize possesion your a single educated black woman. The epitome of it all and the reason for life itself.

This train of thought has to end. Thats the start of making a change. Also supporting your own ppl, preferably the black man. Key example tyler perry. Atl is like my second home. I find it funny when he was all day everyday hustling tshirts socks and draws in the Atl, and trying to push he bootleg homemade videos of plays. None of these black women was supporting him giving him no love. I seriously even doubt chicks was even looking at him as a decent good man, let alone worthy enough to be a adequate partner, someone seen to be in a relationship. 10-15 years later and social noriety/billion bucks later essence and all those other media outlets geared towards black woman. Now see him is a perfect mate, desirable eligible bachelor. What changed him? Nothing. Who he is from slanging socks, to multi-million dollar tv deals is the same. What he is and what his status, fiscal standpoint has changed.

Proof. I gaurantee if he up and marries a white woman, his support from the black woman would drop faster then a lead anvil from the empire state building. Tell me im lying. He already is getting backlash for casting kim k in his movie, and not a black women. But there isnt any backlash on his negative and stereotypical views of black men tho. Things that make you go humm. Theey wanna diss ocho cinco for having a dating show with few black women. But how many of these black woman was supporting him? How many bought his jersey? Attended his games?

I could go on and on but i think ppl get the point. Im not black woman bashing, im just telling it how it is. Turn off the maury, the judge joe brown, log off the lipstick alley. Accept and understand that blacks male/female are fighting the same battle. Bring awareness and promote the significance and importance of black males in the household. Promote and shed light on prominant black males. Not prominant in the sense of white ppl accept him, and he is on some rich baller status. But the 35k black male with custody of his kids, with no support from the govt.. and backlash from all walks of life including his on ppl. The black dentist, the black man who worked as a garbage man for 20+ yrs never called in sick, never once was late. the 22 yr old guy who is going to college, working a full-time job and slaging cds and dvds on the side just to make it cause child support is taking 20% of his check, and the baby momma is blowing most of it to look fly. Uphold that social quo to the mainstream. So he has to spend another 10-15% of his money on the child because of this.

Until these stories are told, and these individuals get limelight instead of the p.diddys, jay-z's. Or the deadbeat losers,murders hustlers etc. Things will stay intact.
To LDJ and everyone worshiping his half-#%+ analyses, how  can you simply ignore such a huge part of the equation - Black men?  Y'all really think Black women have been so brainwashed but somehow Black men have been entirely unscathed psychologically by these phenomena?  "Exactly!!  Black men are all still the oppressed warriors fighting the good fight against The Man against all odds and all they want to do is be there for their intellectually and morally inferior women who are so easily brainwashed by the white man."

Get over yourselves.
Originally Posted by cartune

The cycle

No black families -------> Girls grow up searching for love in the wrong places (Sex & Babies) ----------> babies grow up. Mothers lose interest in the well being of their kids -------->

Kids grow up searching for love in the wrong places (Sex, Gangs, Drugs, Fast Money schemes, Role models in entertainment)
Its f'n sad.

Thats why Im not having kids until Im 100% ready. Its a ugly cycle that we as a people have to break.

Originally Posted by red mpls

To LDJ and everyone worshiping his half-#%+ analyses, how  can you simply ignore such a huge part of the equation - Black men? Y'all really think Black women have been so brainwashed but somehow Black men have been entirely unscathed psychologically by these phenomena? "Exactly!! Black men are all still the oppressed warriors fighting the good fight against The Man against all odds and all they want to do is be there for their intellectually and morally inferior women who are so easily brainwashed by the white man."

Get over yourselves.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Originally Posted by 3900stabler

As a black man, I want to first say I love black people. I love "us" enough to tell the truth. The bottom line is most of black america's problems can be  to irresponsible decision making on behalf of black women more specifically those in their mid teens to late early 20's. Black women are the only segment of the u.s. population that is void of criticism. If a black man disagrees or is critical of issue regarding black women he "hates his race" or is sellout. If a white man does it, he is a bigot. Black women have simply stigmatized anyone who doesn't co-sign all of the silly behavior they get involved with. This doesn't apply to all black women, but if the shoe fits, wear it.

The issue to me is responsibility. Let's not be naive and think that just because blacks getting married that it will somehow "heal the hood". I doubt very seriously that there is correlation between marital status and parental attentiveness.(Two Parents are Better Than One), {this is coming from a college graduate raised in a broken home, all children need a father "Figure" in the very least} In short, black women need to stop having kids with unproductive black men that are out here living a destructive lifestyle. Having a baby by a dope boy is not hot and it's not cute. Pursue education and if you decide to have sex, be responsible and protect yourself. Black women, before you sex with a man, ask yourself this question "Would I want him to be the father of my child? If you have think about that answer, you already know the answer.

I agree with this.
Originally Posted by red mpls

To LDJ and everyone worshiping his half-%@# analyses, how  can you simply ignore such a huge part of the equation - Black men?  Y'all really think Black women have been so brainwashed but somehow Black men have been entirely unscathed psychologically by these phenomena?  "Exactly!!  Black men are all still the oppressed warriors fighting the good fight against The Man against all odds and all they want to do is be there for their intellectually and morally inferior women who are so easily brainwashed by the white man."

Get over yourselves.

Son said Oprah needs to have more regular black men on her show, Oprah! What the hell is that day even gonna be called, "Regular *%* black dude Thursdays?" And today we have Jerome from South 5th street He dropped out of school, got into a little trouble and is on probation now, but he got his GED and is flying straight, working as a cashier at LeRoy's Fresh Apparel, Ribz, and Tirez over on [5th street making $10.53 an hr and enrolled at the local college. Let's get his story." No doubt there would be a multitude of, "NT, Turn on Oprah vol. She's trying to make black men look bad" threads.

I also fail to see the connection to Oprah and anything black men are doing in terms of education, incarceration, and employment, or any of the other mumbo jumbo you were talking about successful black women. Sounds like a lot of jealousy really. If black men were the ones being successful and our women were so far behind, you know there'd never be an end to it and especially using it to justify, "That's why I don't mess with black women no more," sentiment.

Whatever black women are doing in terms of education, employment, and incarceration, why can't men do the same is all I want to know?
Apparently naive enough to think black people, or anyone for that matter, can succeed in life and that blaming white people forever is not going to be any type of conducive to that. Sue me.
Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

The system and the white man
The same system that let a half-black man become our current President? I'm black and I'm TIRED of stupid statements like this. Nothing in this world is owed to us, we might have a more uphill battle (minorities, in general) to achieve our goals but ANYTHING is possible in America for us if we turn off BET & apply ourselves.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Those other points are true that you pointed out.  Lack of education, money, and incarceration are probably all bigger reasons why Black women cant find Black men.  My point was that homosexuality IS a factor, regardless if its 1% or 49.5%.  A Black woman cannot date and marry a Black homosexual male.  Just like she cant date and marry a dead man, or a man in jail (not literally,  but for sake of argument).  Therefore it HAS to be factored in.  Now, the real question I think you are addressing, "Is homosexuality the BIGGEST reason as to why black woman cant find a good black man?"  On that, I would tend to agree with you...

There are NOT more homosexual black males than there are homosexuals of any other race. Please clarify how this has anything to do with the topic of "What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate?" Sexuality is a non-factor in this thread.

Educate me.

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

I am not bashing or attacking homosexuality. Im just simply stating that it, just like other factors (ie: men in jail or dead before 25, not graduating highschool/college) helps to disproportion the numbers of quality black educated hetero men for black women. Obviously, homosexuality HAS to factor in. Because if they are homosexual, then they CANNOT be a viable options for the black women, eliminating them from the dating pool, however big or small the percentage. Thats all I am trying to say. Not disrespecting homosexuality nor am I blaming it. Just saying that its one of many reasons as to why its hard for black women to find black men. Its truly a numbers game people.

Cut the bull *+$#. The only reason I remember your name is because you have written some blatantly homophobic and out of pocket stuff about gay people.
First, it does not relate.  Someone had made a side note about black women that I responded to it.  Go back and research that.

And Second, while im on the topic of research.  PLEASE show me a past thread where I have made blatantly homophobic responses.  Thats not me homey.  You are tripping.... ::Jay-Z:: Groupie girls, stop false accusing it!
Originally Posted by infam0usP

Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

The system and the white man
The same system that let a half-black man become our current President? I'm black and I'm TIRED of stupid statements like this. Nothing in this world is owed to us, we might have a more uphill battle (minorities, in general) to achieve our goals but ANYTHING is possible in America for us if we turn off BET & apply ourselves.
They let a half black man into the white house so now we can just forget 400 years of systematic oppression, right?
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by red mpls

To LDJ and everyone worshiping his half-%@# analyses, how  can you simply ignore such a huge part of the equation - Black men?  Y'all really think Black women have been so brainwashed but somehow Black men have been entirely unscathed psychologically by these phenomena?  "Exactly!!  Black men are all still the oppressed warriors fighting the good fight against The Man against all odds and all they want to do is be there for their intellectually and morally inferior women who are so easily brainwashed by the white man."

Get over yourselves.

Son said Oprah needs to have more regular black men on her show, Oprah! What the hell is that day even gonna be called, "Regular *%* black dude Thursdays?" And today we have Jerome from South 5th street He dropped out of school, got into a little trouble and is on probation now, but he got his GED and is flying straight, working as a cashier at LeRoy's Fresh Apparel, Ribz, and Tirez over on [5th street making $10.53 an hr and enrolled at the local college. Let's get his story." No doubt there would be a multitude of, "NT, Turn on Oprah vol. She's trying to make black men look bad" threads.

I also fail to see the connection to Oprah and anything black men are doing in terms of education, incarceration, and employment, or any of the other mumbo jumbo you were talking about successful black women. Sounds like a lot of jealousy really. If black men were the ones being successful and our women were so far behind, you know there'd never be an end to it and especially using it to justify, "That's why I don't mess with black women no more," sentiment.

Whatever black women are doing in terms of education, employment, and incarceration, why can't men do the same is all I want to know?

   Son said Oprah needs to have more regular black men on her show, Oprah! What the hell is that day even gonna be called, "Regular *%* black dude Thursdays?" And today we have Jerome from South 5th street He dropped out of school, got into a little trouble and is on probation now, but he got his GED and is flying straight, working as a cashier at LeRoy's Fresh Apparel, Ribz, and Tirez over on [5th street making $10.53 an hr and enrolled at the local college. Let's get his story." No doubt there would be a multitude of, "

So now a regular well to due black man is considered a dropout and failure now? Your doing nothing more then proving my point. I say regular average blackman and your first response is dropout, felon, works a minimum wage job. See they got to you to.

And oprah does have regular average everyday women on her shows. Like teachers, librarians, administrative assistance etc... So are you saying average 9-5 blackmen who have jobs similiar to this dont exist? Oh and in response to the dropped out of school etc comment.. She does have women on her show that fit that bill. Just they play the whole this guy forced pregancy on me, and i never had a father angle etc.. Made good for tv. Because it appeals and is accepted by her targeted audience. Thing is she is at a status, where she can call the shots, and make shows, discuss a myriad of topics.

If black men were the ones being successful and our women were so far behind, you know there'd never be an end to it and especially using it to justify, "That's why I don't mess with black women no more," sentiment.

Again just like many of the youth. We are not talking about what is social deemed as succesful, nor personal accolades. A degree and a hgh paying job doesnt equate you are a suitable canidate for a relationship. It doesnt mean your more likely to be a good parent. All those thing are a means of social status.

 No doubt there would be a multitude of, "NT, Turn on Oprah vol. She's trying to make black men look bad" threads.

I never once said she made them look bad, I never once said any prominant black women made black men look bad. I stated they play it neutral or dont speak on the positive everyday black man. And only dicuss the troubled black women and only support the black women.
It be like if you was with a guy and he raped a chick. You didnt help him, but you could have talked to the guy address the issue, or maybe prevented it from happening. But instead you went with my name bennett and I aint end it. Thats pretty much what alot of prominant black women do.

Its all subliminal. Its like if you and I were friends and someone was bad mouthing you and made a comment like is he a jerk. And i just elluded the question, or just stayed neutral and not said anything. Most people view that oh it must be true. He isnt defending the man and thats his ppl. He just keeping button-lipped so it must be true, its just he dont want to come off as dissing/bashing him.

Does that bring any clarity to the situation?
Originally Posted by red mpls

To LDJ and everyone worshiping his half-#%+ analyses, how  can you simply ignore such a huge part of the equation - Black men?  Y'all really think Black women have been so brainwashed but somehow Black men have been entirely unscathed psychologically by these phenomena?  "Exactly!!  Black men are all still the oppressed warriors fighting the good fight against The Man against all odds and all they want to do is be there for their intellectually and morally inferior women who are so easily brainwashed by the white man."

Get over yourselves.

Never said they werent. I stated most black men of this current generation arent men. I stated alot of the ones who arent riddled with drama arent real men, they are just serviceable males. And alot of the ones who have it in them to be a real man, dont have a real man in their life to guide and direct that energy, so they turn to things like crime etc...

As far as the brainwashed thing its very real. Lets see how many real house husband shows are on tv again? Lets see how many i wanna marry a millionaire shows are on tv where there is all these blackmen trying to come up off a millionaire black woman. Um lets see how many male groupies are outside mary j blige, beyonce, alicia keys etc concerts, trying to scheme and connive them, to impregnate them so they can come up from having a baby. Hell even on a smaller scale, how many men have kids as a means of a guaranteed roof over their heads, food in their stomach, and a guaranteed check every month? I aint saying all or even a majority of black women do this. But if you really think nikki minaj worries more about a dude trying to come up by knocking her up, then lets say a lil wayne or eminem. your living in that bubble that aids kid use to ive in.

And i dont eeeeven want to go into the whole sublimily denying their race. I will bet my life you cant go on a blackplanet etc website andd go through 10 pages and not see a black woman with some saki number 8 black straight weave and fake eyelashes etc, and under race list every nationality under the sun, but dont put they are black. Now do said same action for hetero black men. You'd be hard press to see same amount of black men say im part italian, cherokee, indonesian. My waves come from the jewish mix of my family. My high cheekbones are a product of my samoan heritage. Now go ask a 50+ year old black woman what is her race. Im pretty sure if you gathered 100 20 y/o or so black women this question and 100 60 or so y/o black women this, the vast majority who will say I am black period would be of the older generation black women. Or am i making this up? Oh yea this cant be right because its not a fact you can google or find on wikipedia.

You can be blind to the real all you want, but my grandma didnt base her love for my grandpa on what kinda kicks he wore, car he drove, job he had, hell level of education he has earned. Go ask/talk to some elders. I guarantee none of those factors had anything to do with the love they have for one another and the reason for the success of their relationship.

Simply put the worst fear of a black woman outside of death is not being socially accepted, and not having money. The worst fear of a black man is death and or prison.

This what I want you to do. next year lets post random facebook pages from black men/women on fathers day and on mothers day. And lets see how overwhemingly the difference in love and support one day will recieve versus the other.

Basically what I am saying alot of black women place more value on the social/fiscal values of a man versus the content of his character. And alot of these young guys are doing any and everything to fit that mold some legal some illegal. What I am suggesting is we stop grading ppl on what their status is, how others (mainly outside races deem to be succesful) or basing on corporate success, or education accolades.

It'll be like me saying im a better man/father then my grandfather because I own my home, have a degree, and have my own business. And he work on the railroad for 35 years. Does my social status money/education/clothes etc make me a better mate/parent NOOOOOO. But alot of black woman seem to think so? This thought must change if change is to come.
You sound like me LDJ. An old school mentality and value for things in life that should really matter. The women you use in your example are usually the main ones that end up miserable, single for a really long time and try to force relationships and still saying "Black men aint !**@". I refuse to deal with those types of chicks, nothing wrong with those who want to tho I'm just not the one.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This thread needs a female perspective--where is capricorn?
 @ asking for a female perspective on nt.

LDJ def got that old school mentality. but hes making valid points.

Basically what I am saying alot of black women place more value on the social/fiscal values of a man versus the content of his character. And alot of these young guys are doing any and everything to fit that mold some legal some illegal.
completely agree and this doesn't only apply to blk women.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by infam0usP

Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

The system and the white man
The same system that let a half-black man become our current President? I'm black and I'm TIRED of stupid statements like this. Nothing in this world is owed to us, we might have a more uphill battle (minorities, in general) to achieve our goals but ANYTHING is possible in America for us if we turn off BET & apply ourselves.
They let a half black man into the white house so now we can just forget 400 years of systematic oppression, right?

did I say that? stop reaching
if you were born in the 80s or later, you NEVER experienced slavery nor the civil rights movement...what is your point? Jews have prospered as an entire society post-Holocaust, majority of Native Americans are doing alright after getting their land stolen from them, & the enslaved Chinese that helped build the transcontinental railroad system here went on to become ancestors to the world's richest country. WE ALL KNOW America is the "land of the thieves, home of the slaves"; but how many pleas are black people gonna cop?
Fast forward to the present: I have a college degree, 0 debt, a decent car, & make an ok yearly salary. Did I have Gameshark or something & cheated this whole "system"? If Dr. King was still alive, I'm sure he'd be proud of me. Stop it 5
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by infam0usP

Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

The system and the white man
The same system that let a half-black man become our current President? I'm black and I'm TIRED of stupid statements like this. Nothing in this world is owed to us, we might have a more uphill battle (minorities, in general) to achieve our goals but ANYTHING is possible in America for us if we turn off BET & apply ourselves.
They let a half black man into the white house so now we can just forget 400 years of systematic oppression, right?

Remember it all you want, but it would be better used as motivation to press forward, so those 400 yrs are not for naught, rather than as a crutch to excuse any improprieties. I'm sure when kats are out there hitting licks and slanging yayo, they're thinking about 400 yrs of oppression, and Oprah not having their back.

Also, Chicago's dropout rates, especially among black males, are well chronicled and even at the college level they have 2 of the worst 50 schools in the nation(Chicago State and NorthEastern with 13% and 18% graduation rates, disrespectively), both of which are predominantly A.A enrollment, so that's a pretty accurate depiction. Only difference between mine and your "GED and a year a college" depiction is what, the parole thing? Yea, real stretch for me to go there. How unrealistic of me. "They" got to me alright.

I don't know what to tell you but again shoes on the other foot, I'd much rather be with a multi millionaire, listed as highest grossing in Hollywood, bachelorette than when tha same women was borderline homeless selling draws out the trunk of a car. And women do pay child support if they don't have residential custody of the child. Since you like to use celebrities so much, Britney Spears pays KFed child support.
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I'm a teacher. Some of my most educated and well mannered children come from Black, single parent homes. Whether its with their dad or mom, their A, B students. It's about parenting. Not marriage. My mom was married but raised me by herself. My sperm donor, wasn't much of a "father" and an even worse husband didn't do %!+% for me and my sister. My mom struggled to get us into catholic schools and pushed us into getting degrees. Two parent households are inherently LESS stable in this day and age. Less stable because many cultures save face and remain in a relationship for fear of the family view.
You don't have to get married to be good parents. You have to be a good parent if you're going to have kids. Period. Black, white, mexican, asian etc...Marriage is looked upon too highly in this country. You can't force someone into marriage on the grounds of forgetting to pull out. 

It's not a race thing. It's a PARENTING thing. 

Statistics are like salaries. On paper it says one thing but your take home is another. 

Statistics show a 72% illegitimacy rate in black families...ok...why aren't we talking about the other 28%? Let's continue to discuss whats wrong with the 72%. We have nothing to learn from the 28%, right?
you used the exceptions to argue against what is statistically and factually true?  how exactly are single-parent households inherently better than two-parent households?  is it because the single parent has less income or is it the fact that they have less time to be a role model, because they are away from home at work?  maybe the single parent is better because they went through a traumatic divorce or the child is technically a bastard at birth?  not sure what logic or stats you're using to come to the conclusion that the single-parent household is inherently more stable than having normal two parents.

i don't think the reason for discussing the 72% illegitimacy on here is to degrade black America, but to understand the roots of the problems that face black America today.  everyone on here should know that black America earns less than the average and i think it stems from higher black unemployment which comes from lower grades and graduation rates which comes from less stable households which is a direct result of the 72% illegitimacy.

i also understand that many of those that aren't black and especially those that come from minority immigrant families don't like to discuss how slavery was most likely the start of much of black illegitimacy.  when a people's immigration here to America is forced under captivity and then bred like stock animals to work in the fields, it naturally starts an evil cycle that is hard to fight against.  that's why it is imperative for black America today to rise up against that cycle that is rooted in a slave mentality. 

i know it's a little nit-picky, but you used "their" when you meant "they're" and you're claiming to be a teacher.  maybe that's one of the problems with black America.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by infam0usP

Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

The system and the white man
The same system that let a half-black man become our current President? I'm black and I'm TIRED of stupid statements like this. Nothing in this world is owed to us, we might have a more uphill battle (minorities, in general) to achieve our goals but ANYTHING is possible in America for us if we turn off BET & apply ourselves.
They let a half black man into the white house so now we can just forget 400 years of systematic oppression, right?
with your head stuck in the past, you wont make it far in the future
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