What generally believed to be great movies are you embarrassed to admit you have never seen before?

Nov 18, 2007
Are there any movies that everyone agrees is a great or classic movie, but for one reason or another you simply just never saw them?

I am very curious to know this after my brother revealed to me today he has never seen any of the Godfather movies.

I have no idea why, but I inexplicably have never seen:


What about the rest of you guys? I know there are a lot of movie heads on NT.
Raging Bull
Tokyo Story
Pans Labyrinth
Groundhog Day
Indiana Jones
LA Confidential

I remember a dude i was in basic training with in 09 that had never seen Forrest Gump 🤦🏾‍♂️
I legit feel bad for people when they haven't seen popular shows/movies.
Fight Club as well. Pretty common it looks like.

maybe just talking out my **** but a lot of these movies you have to sit down and watch fully. these days people can sum up a movie or show for you through Memes or any form of content. Like I haven’t seen a second of this Tiger King Texas shiiiii but the whole world has watched it for me and mentions it non stop. Looks like ima never see it. *Kanye shrug
Haven't seen either Kill Bill movies. Seen clips and trailers of the movie, just was never interested in watching them.
Raging bull
The black and white turned me off

same reason I didn’t see Schindler’s list.
Any of the Star Wars and not embarrassed at all. In fact, I’m proud to say I’ve never seen them.

but there are movies I’m slighty embarrassed to admit that falls under my favorites and would watch it whenever I come across it on tv.
I've never seen Titanic. For me, just was never interested in the love story or the major hype regarding it.
Gone With The Wind

Starwars, I mean I’ve seen a few scenes here and there, but that’s it, probably a total of 30 minutes of footage.

You guys got any friends that just boast on and on and on and on about certain movies/shows to the point that’s the reason you won’t watch whatever movie they are talking about? I mean, I’m sure they’re good, but naw. :lol: For example, a buddy used to rave hard about wolf of wall street, them tarantino movies with leo, that ballers and true detective hbo shows, but it just turns me off. :lol:
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Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
Godfather movies
Good Burger
Hellraiser (and I love horror too)
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