What Football player could retire and play in the NBA?

Sep 28, 2006
I'm not an expert on how good certain football players are at basketball, but I have been wondering this. My guess is nobody. I don't think there isone NFL player who can retire to play in the NBA. If anyone, it has to be Gates or Owens.

What's your thoughts on this?
ya owens is a good basketball player..he could make a team but not a starter...at best a 6th man
Gates and Gonzalez are the first 2 that come to mind
Yep. Tony Gonzalez actually participated in some NBA training camps a few years ago. TO is another guy that comes to mind. If I remembercorrectly, I think he played in some semi-pro league over a summer one year?
Uhhh...my quick answer would be Gates (former baller neway) and T.O. (Still plays ball)...no evidence 2 back this up, but 4 some reason I can see Steve Smithas a speedy, Iverson type...
randy moss. He has the height and leaping ability to play in the NBA. ANd his backcourt mate at Marshall was JWill.
Antonio Gates used to be a good basketball player
every time he catches the ball the commentators say something about how he was a good basketball player
and how he gets position in football because of his basketball abilities
I can see Moss n TO (having seen them play before) and Gates who was on Kent states sweet sixteen team. Dude played basketball exclusivley at KSU.

But in all honesty, it takes a lot more than athletic ability to play in the NBA
Owens.... he wanted to play for the Kings summer league a couple years ago when with Philly I believe.
Gates.... played at college.
Moss.... played in HS with J Will, but his leaping ability
I could see him playing.
Brad Johnson about 10 years ago....seriously

ANd his backcourt mate at Marshall was JWill.

Wrong....he was at DuPont HS w. Jason Williams...Moss never hooped in college....Moss, I believe was Mr. Basketball in WVa for 2 years.

Antwaan Randle-El is another name that comes to mind...
randy moss. He has the height and leaping ability to play in the NBA. ANd his backcourt mate at Marshall was JWill.

that was in HS, not Marshall... J Will went to Florida. edit: my bad, apparently he went to marshall also for one year. but Randy didnt play ball at Marshall

i've seen TO play before, he definitely has the physical ability. he could train and practice skills and be NBA-ready after about a year or so.

Wasn't Julius Peppers a starter in college for North Carolina?

yeah, he was on their final four team, i think he averaged like 10 and 5

also McNabb hooped in HS with Simeon Rice, and at Syracuse. but he needs to retire from sports period, forget doing anything else after.
Anquan Boldin was all state in HS and played 1 year at FSU.

He said in recent interview that he was the best bball player in the league and he had played against TO and Gates
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