What does open bar mean?

Jul 25, 2007
I just turned 21 and I got an email from this club telling me I get a free open bar from 10 to 12 on my birthday. I know this might sound stupid but what doesopen bar mean?
some people tip open bar, some people dont. i would if there was a lot people for better service.
It means you can get drunk as a skunk from 10-12 and yes, you ought to tip the bartender.
Open bar is usually free mixed drinks including their cheap vodka, rum, etc.

If you tip the bartender, your drink will be stronger, if you don't tip the bartender your drink will taste like juice.
OP it means the bar is free until 12. The bartenders are basically working for tips. I mean they are making your drinks for you so it's common to tip thebartenders. You don't have to go all out if you don't really have it..just 2 dollas from time to time or more. But since it the free drinks end at12... don't spend all your dough tipping cuz you paying after 12.
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

It's A Trap

Many promoters use this line to get people out (but then don't mention that there will be a long line outside so most people won't get in while theopen bar is underway; or conveniently switch up the open bar times)
You don't have to tip them. In fact, don't tip them.

People aren't tipping McDonalds' employees and their job is rougher than any bartender.
Originally Posted by Money

You don't have to tip them. In fact, don't tip them.

People aren't tipping McDonalds' employees and their job is rougher than any bartender.
Originally Posted by Money

You don't have to tip them. In fact, don't tip them.

People aren't tipping McDonalds' employees and their job is rougher than any bartender.
oh the irony of your statement and your screen name.

it'd be in your best interest to tip. in an open bar, it's usually packed with people trying to get their drink. if you get your drink, and fail totip, trust a bartender will remember that and "forget" you or ignore you the second time around because they are "busy". or the second timearound you find your drink is 95% juice.

trust me, if you want your drink quickly and strong, tip your bartender.

oh and btw, i have worked at a restaurant/bar and kfc, and the former is way harder than a fast food job
Oh, so that's what that means. I think they don't clarify on purpose cause a lot of people actually don't know what it means.
Open bar is open bar- everybody is gonna have different restrictions on it...chances are your not gonna be sipping top shelf for free for 2 hours- the factthat your not paying for drinks should make you tip more- the service will be much better and later on when the crowds are there you'll most likely getfaster, preferred treatment
You really ought to tip. If they're offering you a free open bar for just yourself because it's your 21st, some of the reasoning might be thatyou'll end up spending money there after the 12pm cutoff or you'll bring friends who'll in turn spend money at the bar. What they don't realizeis that you're an NTer and it's just gonna be one dude drinking for free for 2 hours looking at his fave sneakers that he "UN-DSed" for thenight and getting mad at anyone who comes close to them, then going home and masturbating & crying.
if i got offered that, i would take full advantage....get in line at 9:30....get shwasted before midnight.....

In Toronto, for $75 i got unlimited drinks....is that open bar?
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