What do you use your credit card for?

Yall making a mistake racking up more than 10% of your limit even if you pay off every month.

Gas only for me.
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

For those of you who say "everything" you might want to consider what percentage of your available credit you are using each month.

Regardless of whether you pay off your balance in full each month, your utilization ratio does affect your credit score. A lot of experts say that 10-30% is an ideal ratio, although I have seen as high as 50%.
30% is the magic limit per month. 
It's still up in the air on carrying a balance or paying it off each month, but I've heard pay it off each month much more.

Most of these dudes don't sound like they give a damb about a credit score 

yea, i think having the length of time youve had the revolving line open will also help your credit even if you dont carry a balance.  im not too concerned with how a spot check of my account will affect my credit because I hardly, if ever go over the 30% amount.  I have about $15-20K limit on each card and try not to charge any more than $3-4K on any particular card per month.  
i've been working in subprime lending for almost the last 10 years, so I know all about how bad credit scores can hurt you.  I am usually vigilant about my credit (800+ on all 3 bureaus), but I went on a bit of a credit splurge by playing the CC rewards game all at one time.  I figured that it would be better to take a small hit in the short term by having a handful of inquiries all at once, as opposed to applying for credit over a 3-6 month period.  That way my score could rebound much quicker.  I also made sure that I didnt have any short term needs for credit before I went on this splurge (mortgage refi done + not planning on buying/financing a car or anything in the near future).  I suppose even if I needed credit, I'd still be OK since I should qualify for the same rates with an avg score around 760 as compared to 800.
I use my two credit cards for everything, they both get me cash back at supermarkets, on gas, movies, restaurants, and dept. stores.....can't beat the rewards
I use my AMEX on everything and I mean everything...including Gas and Food...then pay the entire balance at the end of the billing cycle and collect all the reward points and cash back (whichever I choose)...
Any place that takes credit cards. Even if its just 1% at some places, that 1% is still better than using cash and getting 0%.
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