What do you think you are best known for on NT?

so u forgot about it
what did u think i was known for
u guys make it seem like im some
scumbag type of individual :smh:
I don't recall much about you other than your avy and I think I referred you to the Mexican Restaurant in Old Oakland a while back.
too much is made about tipping here , it just made for funny *** moments
I do pretty good job staying under the radar.. just another 1 of those NT randoms. Lol
Church Boy

I mean I haven't been to church regularly since I was 4 or 5 yrs old...

Then again, in greek church is Ecclesia which means assembly or congregation. The individual believers that make up the larger group/ body of believers, is the true definition of church (not a physical structure or religious order).. So in that sense, I guess you would be accurate.
Motivational speaker

Reminding the NT fam that they are all deliciously handsome, gorgeous gentlemen
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