What Do You Think Of Bill Maher?

Show is so much fluff. New rules is a garbage segment. So is the 1on1 interview on most occasions. I used to like him then realized how much time he wastes on bs. One hour show with 5 minutes of substance. That has to be on him.
new rules is ussually good for one laugh, my favorite episode this season is when they had bryan cranston on the show.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Sounds like a lot of people on this board. 

Spoiler [+]
He's cool in my book.

How is Bill Maher forcing his beliefs down people's throats??? I really wanna see a cogent answer to this one.

He has a talk show on basic cable.  If you don't like what he says, you can just change the channel.

When we talk about religious people forcing their beliefs down our throats, we're talking about the ones that try to legislate laws in accord with their beliefs.  We're talking about the ones trying to get Creationism taught in public schools.  We're talking about the ones trying to take away women's rights.  We're talking about the ones preaching on street corners like hypocrites.

You don't like religion threads on NT? don't enter them.  easy as pie.

I watch the show weekly and I'm not talking about my throat. I can dig up clips to support what I said, for instance, he had Cornel West on once and pretty much told him that he was wrong because he had different religious views than Maher. But I'm not going to get trolled into an argument or debate after I clearly said I like him and the fact that he has guest that balance him out. Some of you need to work on your skimming...

You said he "he forces his beliefs down people's throats" like religious people do.  I wanted to know how.  Your answer is that he asserts his atheism on HIS talk show.  

You didn't even say you liked him, much less in a CLEAR manner.  Now you're just making stuff up. All you said was that Bill Maher makes lots of good points. You can make good points; doesn't mean that I like you though.  YOU need to skim on what YOU wrote.
 just making stuff up and trying to make me look stupid by saying I don't know how to read.  how dishonest

If someone doesn't agree with his religious views, they can just change the channel. 

If a guest agrees to be on his show, they are inviting themselves to his views.

Nothing is being forced down anyone's throats.  Stop making stuff up.   
Guess you need everything spelled out for you. In what world does "he makes a lot of good points" mean that I dislike him? So what did I make up exactly? Oh and the purpose of having guests on is to change their religious beliefs? Yeah? Intersting...

Why would I change the channel when I usualy like the show though? Is your hobby starting lame arguments? You're good at it.
I like him for the most part.

He can definitely come off as pompous and self-righteous at times. Pushes his opinion as fact too much of the time, IMO. Most of the time I agree with him, but disagree with how intolerable he is of other's opinions.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Bill is that dude

As other said he can be an #%+*$$! but I wish there were more people like him in the media who weren't afraid to talk out on the issues he does
He reminds me a lot of myself in terms of the way he's opinionated. But I also agree with most of his criticisms and politicals views. I really enjoy his shows. Plus, I also despise religion, so him and myself would be like best friends if we met on the street.
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