What do you think about Finish Line's new way of handling limited releases?

This doesn't affect me, as FNL is about my 4th option on RD... I used to go to them first/second, but after the Concord release I had to redevelop my strategy. Now I never seem to buy from them. Good luck to the NT cats going hard for the GMP, I'm taking time off until the Olives and IVs
This doesn't affect me, as FNL is about my 4th option on RD...

Think about it...First it was Niketown with the RSVP now it's FNL with the online Raffle and iJapino mentioned hearing about Champs doing the same thing and since Footlocker and Footaction are under the same umbrella it's only a matter of time.

I don't like the idea personally especially if they hold the shoes the entire weekend.

Getting shoes online via NDC etc was my first option on RD now I can't get through :smh: Olympic 6 was my first in-store JB purchase since 2008
This doesn't affect me, as FNL is about my 4th option on RD... I used to go to them first/second, but after the Concord release I had to redevelop my strategy. Now I never seem to buy from them. Good luck to the NT cats going hard for the GMP, I'm taking time off until the Olives and IVs

Whats your 1st, 2nd and 3rd?
I like it, because I'll actually have a chance now. I can't even use my gift certificates or rewards cards on release dates, because I'm not camping out.
good for them (no riots, campers, crazy lines)

mostly bad for us (only valid for WC members, a lot of people that have WC did not get an email.)
Hmm I used Hughes link so actually think that I'm giving him an opportunity to get my pair? Hughes if you get an email winning in Brockton let me know haha
As an employee this sucks cause I cant win, but my family member can.

It's also a good thing though. More people will be signing up for a winners circle card and I'll have incredible numbers :pimp:
I heard from a reliable source that this is going to become the norm not just for limited releases, but EVERY shoe release from here on out.
Interesting idea and will definately prevent some chaos, but its still unfair for those who were willing to take the time to wait for them.
Just think about it, employees hold pairs regardless of anything at least you have a better chance cooling the pair left over
Okay, but I don't resell, thus I don't want just some random size that's left over simply to flip. No, I actually want to keep the shoes. If the store is doing a raffle system, employees won't be able to hold the shoes at all anyway cuz all of the pairs will be for the raffled customers. A customer won a size 12 via raffle. Customer goes to pick it up, but can't cuz the store is holding the size 12. That store would be in deep **** if something like that happens.
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I know for sure that it will be corporate doing the raffles, but I am guessing that it will be computer automating the raffle, as well. There are at least 1,000 Finish Lines in the country. One person drawing all those will be insane.
Finish Line is such a unoriganize company, I thought the basis of a company is all are the same to there customers, and run business fairly, but instead you may have truthful stores while other picked the raffles to friends and family entrees
Its definitely not automated.
My FNL said the DM is gonna do it, straight from a hat.
Honestly, with my FNL only getting 14 packs, and only is open to WC members, I don't feel to confident with them.

I'm feeling a bit better with HOH just because they got more pairs.

*crossing my fingers & saying my prayers before bed tonight*

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