what do you suspect but have no proof of....

I suspect that time travel does exist but you can only travel once. Not too many people are brave enough to leave their time or would even want to travel knowing you can't go back.
because it would've been a HUGE black eye if its biggest stars were found to bet on games. gambling allegations bring about waaaaaay too many questions.
I thought mj had bets on casinos and other sports?

If mike bet on basketball, don't you think it would've gotten out by now?

Not attacking you but I had this conversation with my boys.
Then his legacy would be tainted
NBA don't want that
They compare damn near everyone to mj
because it would've been a HUGE black eye if its biggest stars were found to bet on games. gambling allegations bring about waaaaaay too many questions.
I thought mj had bets on casinos and other sports?

If mike bet on basketball, don't you think it would've gotten out by now?

Not attacking you but I had this conversation with my boys.

oh no doubt fam, of course. It's been talked about. There was an espn writer that put something up about it...then the article disappeared as did the writer loll. It's amazing the things that can disappear when a good amount of money is on the line. Wuth the right PR, you can change the way people are viewed. Events can change completely. You want to see a time machine, look no further than someones back acct. It can rewrite history.
Maybe once into the future......i can see that.
into the past is kindof hard 4 me 2 grasp.

But def not more than once

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I suspect that time travel does exist but you can only travel once. Not too many people are brave enough to leave their time or would even want to travel knowing you can't go back.

what would be the point, of just traveling once?
I suspect that time travel does exist but you can only travel once. Not too many people are brave enough to leave their time or would even want to travel knowing you can't go back.
what would be the point, of just traveling once?
If you believe you are armed with the knowledge and ability to change the past so that you, or others, are in a better position than where you're currently at or would prefer to live in a different time
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There's no such thing as "time" as we know it. Time is absolute infinite perfection. The problem is perfection is an impossibility
Marijuana is only viewed the way it is due to the fact that tobacco companies would face much stiffer competition if it were to become mainstream the way cigarettes are. By the time most of the older folks die out, you'll have plenty of marijuana corporations the same way you have tobacco corporations.
Wouldn't the big tobacco companies just sell/profit off of mj in that case?

Social Media is a means to keep us controlled, content not expanding our horizons or seeking more knowledge. 
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When people get high on drugs they see how the world really is and that's why the government wants them to be illegal.
Expand on the avatar thing brolic...

I feel like this IS virtual reality. If our brains are complex enough to create it in this very primitive existence and our imaginations can take us far beyond where we are, isn't it possible that this existence is just us taking a trip down memory lane to prepare our souls for the present, which we perceive as the future?

What if heaven is just the present (real present/future) and hell is being forever stuck in the past until you prove you are worthy to walk next to higher consciousness beings... what some call angels and each dimension is a test to prove your worthiness to pass into a higher consciousness.

*hits white grape white owl and takes a sip
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If only your bottom teeth show when talking, you are not to be trusted. 
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Black folks and people who have it tougher in life are given a harder test because more is expected of us in the higher dimensions.
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I feel like this IS virtual reality. If our brains are complex enough to create it in this very primitive existence and our imaginations can take us far beyond where we are, isn't it possible that this existence is just us taking a trip down memory lane to prepare our souls for the present, which we perceive as the future?

What if heaven is just the present (real present/future) and hell is being forever stuck in the past until you prove you are worthy to walk next to higher consciousness beings... what some call angels and each dimension is a test to prove your worthiness to pass into a higher consciousness.

*hits white grape white owl and takes a sip

This could also explain feelings of Deja Vu..
Asian people are Aliens:

- The earliest depiction of Aliens throughout history resemble Asian people (short, squinty eyes, etc)
- The language... so many foreign languages sound faaairly close to each others except language from Asian cultures. (Chinese, Japanese, etc.)
- The written langauge in American/Euro history resemble each other but in most Asian cultures, drawings are used to depict words
- Features... you can put brown skin on a white man, they can pass as Hispanic. Black skin on a hispanic man, they can pass as black. Asian people are the only people in the word that have their features.

- Technology.. the advancement in not only digital technology, but also in previous generations (i.e. gunpowder in the 1st century, etc)

- Driving... Asian people are "bad" drivers because their so used to driving spacecrafts

I'm Asian (Alien) BTW
A lot of products can be built to last longer, but that would put companies out of business.

Technology that we get on a consumer level is far behind what's sitting in labs across the world.

People are killed or driven crazy for their intellectual properties and patents IF they interfere with the scheduled release dates of approved technology.

Schizophrenic people can see and interact with dimensions we can't detect or sense.

Divorces and the things that lead to them (infidelity, gender conflicts) are encouraged in pop culture because it's big business and keeps people (lawyers, court personnel) employed.

Time travel exists but time lines are infinite and not able to be experienced twice.

Our bodies are avatars and our souls/consciousness are the real us. We graduate through dimensions.

Even though we were beefing, i love you fam, your smart like me and can see through the bullstuff. If we ever have a niketalk convention all rounds on me
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Asian people are Aliens:

- The earliest depiction of Aliens throughout history resemble Asian people (short, squinty eyes, etc)

- The language... so many foreign languages sound faaairly close to each others except language from Asian cultures. (Chinese, Japanese, etc.)

- The written langauge in American/Euro history resemble each other but in most Asian cultures, drawings are used to depict words

- Features... you can put brown skin on a white man, they can pass as Hispanic. Black skin on a hispanic man, they can pass as black. Asian people are the only people in the word that have their features.
- Technology.. the advancement in not only digital technology, but also in previous generations (i.e. gunpowder in the 1st century, etc)
- Driving... Asian people are "bad" drivers because their so used to driving spacecrafts

I'm Asian (Alien) BTW

You really think this lol
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