that some people profited on the stock market on 9/12. (maybe that is proven
gay conservative senators and reps. (semi proven)
NYPD has surface to air missiles in the event another hijacked plane targets our city.
there are still NBA refs who are betting games..
9/11 leading into iraq was a sham. (probably proven if u read between the lines, and do solid research)
there is life residing on planets that lie within the habitable zone of their own solar system (obv don't have tech to prove it but to think we are the only life forms in the univ is pure ignorance)
there are micro organisms (at a very minimum) residing on certain moons within our solar system.
NT would be a hilarious forum if it wasn't kept to a PG rating.
JFKennedy was killed by multiple gunman, and the guys who did the dirty work are dead, and the orchestrators are old and on their way out, and the truth will die with them.
that the system of american gov't we know today is a facade, and that there is a shadow govt run by a select few, who maintain an elite power..this was scenario was illustrated in Metal Gear Solid 2, word to the Patriots