What do you guys think should be done about this rule (NBA rookies)


Oct 22, 2004
Im talking specifically about the rule created a few years ago about how players coming out of high school must be out of high school for atleast one year.I'm a big of of NCAAB, but after watching college bball this year & last, i think its safe to say a handful of these freshmen are definately ready forthe NBA game (Oden, Beasly, Rose, etc.) Dickie V has been talking about this a little during the Memphis-USC game, so id figure id ask NT what they thoughtabout it & if they have any ideas..

I think they should have an evaluation, about a week long, composed of the top 20-30 high school prospects that year & have the GM's pick up to 5 on aunanimous vote that they think are ready for the NBA, & the rest will have to go to college.
man it depends......part of the reason the game quality has decreased over the years is that players weren't staying long enough in college to learn thefundamentals....I mean the only player coming straight out of high school that has had an immediate impact is probably LeBron....even guys like Darryl Dawkinsand Moses Malone needed several seasons to develop.......but I think that although there may be high school players ready for the NBA, they should go tocollege for at least one year to help prepare them for the NBA.......
Your idea wouldn't work, but I do think that the constant wave of players coming and leaving is bad for a team.
i wish they didnt have this rule, some guys need the time to develop but others dont

plus its gonna keep some college sleepers from ever being draft picks since like 5 every year can go pro out of hs
You really think Rose is ready for the pros?

Anyway, I like the 1 year rule and actually wish that it was 2 years. Dudes staying in college to actually learn how to play within the team concept is a goodthing.
Let guys make their own mistakes if that's what's going to happen. It's not that cut and dry. Some guys learn better by being around NBA players inpractice and the whole environment. Others might be better served learning in college then putting themselves in that environment. Hell, I could name playerswho stayed in college too long and saw their stock fall and nobody knows where they are now.
And I can probably name way more players who declared early, never got drafted and no one knows where they are now.

Hell, some dudes who actually DID get drafted and STILL no one knows where they are right now.
i don't like it. i think that it devalues college. these kids go to school for one year, just to play basketball, and then they leave. what's thepoint? why hold them off for a year?

this rule is bogus. it's not helping the league, if anything, it's helping college basketball, and that doesn't need any help. this isn'thelping the nba in any way. if they want to fix the nba, they'll fix the referees.

if you're going to go to colege, then go all four years and get that degree.
This rule = EXCELLENT idea.

You can't have a monthly vote and allow some players in and not others. It's gotta be all eligible, or none. I like the go-to-school rule. I'd likeit even more if Stern bumped it to a two year minimum. It would drastically improve the level of play in college, and the NBA would benefit from it as well,imo...
i don't see how the nba benefits. they are always going to be scrubs in the league. but they will always be canceled out by the players who are better thanthem. how long has this rule been in effect? the league is still the same.

i don't think we should send kids off to school for one year just because nba gms are eager to find the next kobe. we should punish the gms for being badtalent evaluators.

if you really want to make these kids better, make them stay for atleast two years, they way they develop on the court, they develop mentally, and ifbasketball doesn't work out for them, they can fall back on their a.a.. that is far better than mining college for a year.
this thought has crosse my mind plenty of times. i think that it's good for the league though. Think about it this way. In college you have ALOT more timeto practice, learn the game, and improve and develop skills. Its not like the nba where you take it as a job with an 82 game grind and havin millions thatyou'll want to spend in the offseason instead of workin on your game.

Even if its only a SLIGHT improvement, you can't deny that playing even one year of college ball will make any player a better nba player. Even the guyswho you say are nba ready...they will obviously improve their game practicing at the college level.

I think that a two-year minimum would be even better. The only problem is that there are a lot of players coming out of situations with poor families, so theymight wind up playing in europe for those two years in order to support their families.
So what's the point then? We protecting GMs and prospects from themselves now? If a team wants to take Kwame number 1 thinking he's the next Dampierand be disappointed, that's their problem.

Addressing the officials and their interpretation of the rules would have a much greater impact on improving the quality of the game. I watched the USC-Memgame, for example, and if they played that game the same way but reffed under NBA rules, the game would still be going on now and every player would have about30 free throws (because even though they're off the ball fouls, we're way into the double bonus). In college, they actuall ere on the side of notmaking the call and holding the players responsible for making the play, while the NBA is the opposite. You can literally just fall down, ref didn't seeanybody push you, but he sees you falling down and a player within a 3ft radius and makes the assumption and they've got to start calling that verticalitycorrectly.

Yes, a high scoring game would generally be more exciting than a defensive slugfest but not if it means watching guys shot 20fts in one game and not evenattempt to score legit buckets, but just crashing into defenders
poll 30 nba gms on if they'd rather have mayo or rose run their teams and i bet the tally will come out in rose's favor.

as for the rule... i never liked it. Either go all or none. 1 year makes no sense. if im beasley, mayo, or rose... whats the point of me even going to classright now? Make it 3 years removed or do away with the current system.
I don't mind having age rule in NBA actually. like Nowitness41Dirk said, I actually would respect Stern if he would change it to 2-years rather than 1-year. I think 1-year eligibilityhelped NCAA in level of playing field wise but not as much as it helped NBA. NCAA is benefiting so much from having these 'super freshmen' coming intocampus and it does make good headlines in March.

It should be at least 2-years because I hate to see these kids stay in 1-year and just bounce outta there. College should mean something to them than justanother stairstep before the pros. Let them go to class and have them earn to play on the court and 1-year just won't cut it. Some of younger cats in the Lshould've gone to school and at least learn how to talk (yes, JR Smith, I'm talking to you)
This was my proposition from day one

Only allow HS players to be drafted in the lottery.
The evaluation is a good idea but the rule should be even more strict, 5 players from HS to college soph, everybody else has to be at least junior to leaveearly.
I'd like it even more if Stern bumped it to a two year minimum. It would drastically improve the level of play in college, and the NBA would benefit from it as well, imo...
exactly right. needs to be 2 years minimum, all parties involved would benefit tremendously.

i was actually going to start this topic a few days ago now that we're more than 1 season into the rule.
let them play.

i mean, tony parker turned pro at 15..

..and so did lebron james, basically.
I agree with those who say bump it up to 2 years minimum. Some players are definitely ready but 95% are not.
For the sake of the league and those of us who watch it, it should be two years.

For the sake of the kids one year is fine.
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