What do you do to manage stress NT?

whenever I’m really stressed I just go for randomly drives no where, or finding people to race really fun. As long I’m on the road I’m stressed free.
Honestly I don't often feel my stress mentally, my body feels the stress before I feel stressed. I'll get pain in my jaw, my heart will race a bit, loss of appetite, or headache.
In those cases, silence works best
going to the gym used to help but since its routine it doesnt do much for me other then to stay healthy lol.... but going to the movies, going out to eat or going to the beach help me forget about stress
Luckily, I don't stress too much. But, if I have to put extra thought into something, I jog, walk somewhere nice, or work out and solve it in my head.
Hardly ever get stressed

But to keep me level headed - play basketball/ walk a few miles on the regular / blaze trees / movies dolo / sportsbars on the regular
or in a relationship. You definitely get stressed


The key to that is keep my distance from my shorty & not be around her/them (when im in multiple relationships at one time)often when we in relationships i can say im stress free with that...gimme space il give u space & everything peaches ...ni**ahs be suffocating they girl or vice versa & thats when sh*t go left more times than not ...more so on the depressing side
Prayer, Meditation, Focus.
Prayer, I sit at my family altar, and then thank my ancestors for giving me the best of them. I then thank them for teaching me how to be, and then how not to be. I thank them for the opportunity to live this life, and thank them for protecting me in this life. I thank them for teaching me to listen so that I can hear them. I thank them for loving me so much, that this life has been special. I thank them for their sacrifice so that I can enjoy my existence. I thank them for teaching me that there is a reason and season for everything, and the right to defend myself from aggression is an actual right. I then state I love them, making them offerings, then go about meditation. Dua, Amen.

I close my eyes and then see all those who raised me, and then the success that is my being in my meditation. I utilize the 4/4/4 breathing method. Four seconds in, Four seconds hold, four seconds exhale, then repeat until peace and clarity is achieved.

I then know what I am going to face for the day, focused. Stress can't touch me, because I am about achieving my goal to get back home safely, at the end of my day.

That is all that matters, get home safe.
Keep trying to quit coffee because I know it gives me jitters and irrational anxiety at times but I keep going back to it.

Bone chilling water when you walk into work every morning
Or cold showers. I prefer to just drink cold water.
Keep trying to quit coffee because I know it gives me jitters and irrational anxiety at times but I keep going back to it.

It was easier for me because I drank no more than 1 cup per day of iced coffee with Silk almond milk. I could see why it would be more complicated for folks who drink a lot.

The jitters/anxiety/muscle tension was my main reason for quitting.
Reading (mostly personal development)
The devils grass
Healthy eating
Social Media Purging
Various spiritual practices
Cutting off people that produce unnecessary stress and surrounding myself with people who reduce stress
Avoiding the news
Hobbies that require getting better at something. For me it’s working out and golf.
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